Welcome to Accounting II Professor Kris Friestad Unit 1 Seminar
Resources Text Title: Accounting II, Author: Warren Reeve and Duchac –Hopefully you’ve received this already! Tech Problems –
Contact Information My contact info: – –AIM: krisfriestad –AIM Office Hours: Sundays, 9:00PM ET and Wednesdays, 10:00PM ET **FEEL FREE TO ME ANYTIME! –Phone number: This is a home number available until 9:00PM Central Time (Iowa time)! :)
Check out your Syllabus! It is your greatest tool for the class! Discussion Board Requirements Grade Point Distribution Late Policy Extenuating Circumstances Netiquette Grading Scale Other
Discussion Board Grading Quality (40%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: All assigned discussion questions were answered completely Posts were on topic and unique in content All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic Participation Guidelines (30%) will be measured on the following criteria: Initial post no later than Saturday, midnight EST Posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days The original post to be no less than 100 words Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: Posts were organized and logical No spelling or grammatical errors References were used and cited properly Professional & Netiquette (10%) in your post will be measured on the following criteria: Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors Appropriate language Professional use of abbreviations and acronyms
A DEEPER LOOK… Course Home Page Doc Sharing Dropbox Unit Introductions On Line Textbook, Key Terms, Flashcards, Glossary Audio Lectures and Tutorials Discussion Board Prep for Seminars Practice quizzes Games MORE!!!
Be sure to check the Announcements often! COURSE HOME PAGE Use these icons to read more about the course and how to navigate around the course
DOC SHARING Documents are placed here for your use and assistance: PDF files of the textbook “B” problem solutions – LOOK FOR THE “JINGS” Homework Excel templates, seminar information and presentations, etc.)
When using EXCEL templates for assignments -- LOOK FOR THE TABS!!! This is an EXCEL WORKBOOK. Click on the tabs “Ex. 1-7”, “Ex. 1- 8”, etc. to access the different worksheets. Save the WORKBOOK as one document and submit as ONE document. You will start using these in Unit 2.
You will submit your homework each week in the Dropbox area of the classroom. Be sure to attach the homework you are submitting! DROP BOX
Notice the icons and directions under each Unit heading. For example, for your first Assignment for Unit 1, click on “Assignment” icon to read more about it.
Starting in Unit 2, notice the tabs Never be without your book! Awesome resources!
Notice the choices when you click on the “Reading” icon.
Practice Quiz The “Practice Quiz” item in each Unit is a Practice Quiz that you can take to see if you have the concepts needed for the graded Quiz for that Unit. It is NOT graded! It is only a tool to help you prep for the graded Quiz! Take advantage of this excellent resource!
QUIZZES – ONE SHOT ONLY! Practice makes PERFECT!!! Quizzes can only be taken ONE time! You will be able to view your grade and items incorrect in the gradebook IMMEDIATELY!!! You have ONE HOUR to complete 10 questions BE SURE TO ALLOT THE TIME FOR EACH QUIZ SINCE IT IS A ONE SHOT DEAL! Under each Unit, there is a Practice Quiz to help you prepare!!!
Discussion Boards Great way for us to interact each week To earn maximum points: –Well-written original response that THOROUGHLY answers the question(s) –Initial response must be 100 words or more –Post initial response by Saturday –AT LEAST 3 posts per week on 3 different days Responses to classmates and/or me should be about words See the grading rubric in the syllabus and the “Announcement” I’ve posted for more information about DB guidelines
Unit 1 Discussion Board Professional Development Activity –Where do you see yourself in five years? –What skills do you think you will have acquired by that time? –Which do you think will be necessary for you to acquire? Cite all references you used in your research. Cite references and include Reference at end of post
Seminars WEDNESDAYS, 9:00 PM ET It is strongly suggested that you attend the GRADED seminar at the regularly scheduled time. If you are unable to attend the seminar, you must take a quiz. –Five M/C questions –You will have one hour for this quiz. –You may only enter the quiz one time. –When you are finished with the Quiz, click on the ‘Submit for Grade’ button
Deadlines KAPLAN WEEK ENDS ON TUESDAY 11:59PM ET –Discussions –Quizzes –Assignments (Textbook exercises/problems) REMINDER: USE THE EXCEL TEMPLATES IN THE DOC SHARING FOLDER –Writing Assignment (Unit 10) –Final Exam (Unit 10) ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE GRADED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF SUBMISSION
QUESTIONS ????? Have a super term!! :)