Epidemiology and Biology of Dengue Fever Matthew Braswell BIOL 402 Spring 2014
What is Dengue Fever? WHO.int
About the Dengue virus (DENV1- 4)
Symptoms of: Dengue Fever (DF)- vs. Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) vs. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Nature.com
Who is affected by this virus? Dengue: a continuing global threat
How are the virus and/or symptoms treated?
Transmission Cycle
Dengue virus spread within the Human Body Infectionecologyandepidemiology.net Nature.com
Infection of a human skin dendritic cell Viralzone.expasy.org
“Dissecting the Cell Entry Pathway of Dengue Virus by Single- Particle Tracking in Living Cells” PloS Pathogen Journal 2008 Hilde M. van der Schaar, Michael J. Rust, Chen Chen, Heidi van der Ende-Metselaar, Jan Wilschut, Xiaowei Zhuang; Jolanda M. Smit
References oi%2F %2Fjournal.ppat #ppat g004 oi%2F %2Fjournal.ppat #ppat g pdf 0.pdf pdf pdf Dengue: a continuing global threat. Maria G. Guzman*, Scott B. Halstead‡, Harvey Artsob§, Philippe Buchy||, Jeremy Farrar¶, Duane J. Gubler#, Elizabeth Hunsperger**, Axel Kroeger‡‡, Harold S. Margolis**, Eric Martínez*, Michael B. Nathan§§, Jose Luis Pelegrino*, Cameron Simmons¶, Sutee Yoksan¶¶ and Rosanna W. Peeling‡‡,##. Nature.com