Energy from Biomass: Liquid Biofuels Vitor Goncalves, Eric Lin, Jay Yostanto Sustainable Resource Engineering - Fall 2015 with Professor 박준홍.


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Presentation transcript:

Energy from Biomass: Liquid Biofuels Vitor Goncalves, Eric Lin, Jay Yostanto Sustainable Resource Engineering - Fall 2015 with Professor 박준홍

Table of Contents Introduction Mission 1: Current Status, Advantages and Weaknesses Mission 2: Applications to Old Mega Cities and Improvements Mission 3: Applications to New and Developing Cities Closing


Biomass is biological material derived from living organisms - 4th largest energy source behind coal, oil, and natural gas - Annual global primary production of biomass is around 4500 EJ (as compared to global world consumption of EJ in 2012) -Only % of global agricultural land is devoted to energy crops for biomass fuels

1st Generation2nd Generation FeedstockFood Crops (e.g. corn, sugarcane, soybeans) Energy Crops (e.g. miscanthus), Agricultural Waste (e.g. bagasse) Main sugar component StarchCellulose, hemicellulose ProductEthanol or BiodieselCellulosic Ethanol Example

Mission 1: The Current State of Liquid Biofuels

Current State of Global Biofuel Production -US is the largest producer of ethanol followed by Brazil -Upward trend in biofuel production -Multiple countries have set targets for biofuel usage

Environmental Sustainability Comparison

1st Generation Biofuels Advantages -Technology is already in place - Conversion to ethanol is relatively efficient - Renewable Disadvantages - Inflates food prices - Contributes to food shortage issues - Relatively large carbon footprint and is not necessarily “greener” than fossil fuels

2nd Generation Biofuels Advantages - Better agricultural waste utilization - Energy feed crops (such as switchgrass and miscanthus) can grow on waste agricultural land and require less fertilizer and water -Renewable Disadvantages - Lignocellulosic matter is difficult to break down - Too expensive at this point to be commercially viable

Shift Towards 2nd Generation Biofuels

Current Research and the Future of Biofuels -3rd generation biofuels from algae -does not require land or water -Increasing efficiency of cellulosic ethanol production -first commercial scale cellulosic ethanol plant opened in Finding other potential Feedstocks

Mission 2

Biofuels in Old Mega Cities Energy from biomass makes up ~11% of the world’s energy supply

Production of Biodiesel in Big Cities Berkeley, CA Low percent of diesel vehicles Low gasoline prices High diesel price (sulfur restrictions) Seoul, Korea 5th largest importer of oil ⅔ transportation depends on diesel

Usage of Biodiesels in Modern Engines Pure biodiesel contains no petroleum Can be blended with diesel in any combination B40 = 40% biodiesel, 60% petroleum diesel Pure biodiesel can run in compression ignition (diesel) engines with no issue USA: Diesel particulate filter (DPF) and ultralow sulfur diesel Bring to high temperature to clean

Biofuel Policy and Industry United States Energy Policy Act of 2005 $14 billion program to ensure the production of 1 billion gallons/year cellulosic biofuel from non-edible plants by 2015 BP pulls from $350 million investment into biofuel research due to low oil prices South Korea National Energy Committee (2006) Address energy issues and to advocate budget increases for three key policies: a. Strengthen energy supply security through overseas resource development b. Create a society in which less energy is consumed by improving energy efficiency; c. Establish a sustainable energy system through more investment in new and renewable energy However, most investment into atomic energy than biofuels

Biodiesel in the Media Forbes: “Why Biofuels Can’t Replace Oil” Time: “Even Advanced Biofuels May Not Be So Green” New York Times: “A Biofuel Debate: Will Cutting Trees Cut Carbon?” Controversy over the production of biodiesel causing a larger negative environmental impact than the positive greenhouse gas reduction

Mission 3: Introducing Biofuels into a Developing Country

Biofuels Resources in Developing Countries The evaluation of biomass resources should be verified case by case: Each country has your own resource depending on the availability of land, necessity, technology, etc.

FOOD versus FUEL Producing biofuels on a large scale require huge tracts of land. What is the impact on food supply? According to manufacturers, food price increase in Brazil and others countries are related to the use of crop to produce ethanol fuel.

FOOD versus FUEL Source: Congressional Budget Office, “The Impact of Ethanol Use on Food Prices and Greenhouse-Gas Emissions,”

Cheap Biofuels Technology How to apply biofuels in developing countries? Fermentation Simple and cheap technology that any agronomic-based economic country could use. Transesterification Relatively simple process that could be done even at home.

Exporting and Financial Impact of Biofuels The production of Biofuels, as any other industry, impacts a country's economic and social state overall; creating jobs and opportunities to thousands of people.


References 1)Ventura, S., S. Hull, R. Jackson, G. Radloff, D. Sample, S. Walling, and C. Williams. "Guidelines for Sustainable Planting and Harvest of Nonforest Biomass in Wisconsin." Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 67.1 (2012): n. pag. Web. 2)U.S Department of Energy, AETS,United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Geneva 2008,