MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC) TST #1 April 27, 1998 DTM/Beth Skidmore NASA/MSFC Training Branch Voice Phone #: (205) Fax#: (205) Express Payloads TST #1
MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 2 Agenda TIM 1-4 Participants Payload Hardware and Operations Overview (5-10 minutes)/PD Crew Training Curriculum/Hours Summary Presentation/DTM PTC Training Readiness Status/Schedules /DTM Training Philosophy /DTM Payload Instructor Training and Certification /DTM Issues and Concerns /DTM Review of Actions /DTM Express Payloads TST #1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC)
MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 3 TIM 1-4 Participants Dr. Ray Bula Shilo Halfen David Swafford Kathy Brown/TBE/Simulation Engineer Ken Yepp, PTC Payload Instructor Beth Skidmore, MEPS DTM Express Payloads TST #1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC)
MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 4 Payload Hardware and Operations Overview The ADVANCED ASTROCULTURE™ (ASDVASC) consists of two single middeck lockers. One middeck locker contains support systems, ADVASC-SS, for the second middeck locker that contains a plant growth chamber, ADVASC-GC. The two single middeck locker sized payloads will be transported to ISS independently. When the two payloads are on ISS, they will be connected via electrical cables. Express Payloads TST #1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC)
MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 5 Payload Hardware and Operations Overview Support System and Growth Chamber: The single middeck locker identified as ADVASC-SS will contain the power conditioning, computer unit for monitoring, controlling, and recording digital and video data, and other electronic components required to control the environmental conditions in the plant chamber located in the second middeck locker identified as ADVASC-GC. The ADVASC-SS payload will have connectors for the power input from the EXPRESS rack, connectors for accessing the data stored in the computer unit of the ADVASC-SS with an ISS laptop for downloading and downlinking the digital data, and a visual display of the critical operational parameters so that the crew can easily ascertain that the two payloads are operating nominally. The ADVASC-GC unit will have a video camera and a video signal output so that a camcorder can be attached to the video signal output connector and a video record can be made periodically of the status of the plants in the plant chamber Express Payloads TST #1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC)
MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 6 Crew Training Curriculum/Hours Summary Payload Familiarization hrs Transfer Training - 0 hr Transport Operations Training - 0 hrs Nominal Operations hrs Malfunction Operations hr Special Skills - 6 hrs Safety/Hazard Management - 1 hr Special Maintenance - 0 hr Total Training Hours - 14 hrs Express Payloads TST #1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC)
MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 7 PTC Training Readiness Status/Schedules Training hardware development –July 1998 to January 1999 Initial Training hardware delivery – January 1999 Payload Training Lesson Plans to be ready –February 1999 Courseware Available –February 1999 SATT Date –March 1999 Training Start Date –March 1999 Express Payloads TST #1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC)
MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 8 Training Philosophy Training unit will be carried in and out of the SSTF/PTC, i.e., will not require storage space in the PTC. Will be using training materials updated from previous flights. Trainer Classification - Single Increment Trainer Capabilities –H/W: Functional fidelity Support Systems Locker –Active switches, LCD display and indicator LED’s Physical fidelity ASC interconnect cable harness. Simulation software platform - desktop PC Physical fidelity tabletop Growth Chamber for special skills training and crew interface with the Growth Chamber. Express Payloads TST #1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC)
MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 9 Training Philosophy Trainer Capabilities (cont) –S/W: Laptop simulation of those Express Laptop displays which are unique to ASC. The laptop simulation software shall model H&S data and crew commands with fidelity sufficient to perform nominal and alternate crew procedures. The ASC simulator will respond to switches on the support system front panel and provide responses to the front panel display and indicator lamps. It shall provide a H&S serial stream to the Laptop unit and receive and respond to commands from the Laptop simulation software. Express Payloads TST #1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC)
MSFC Payload Training bs/kh/ExpPldsTST#1/ 3/18/2016 Page 10 Payload Instructor Training and Certification Payload Instructors will be PD provided. Sim Engineer will be training backup. When is Payload Instructor training is scheduled to begin? How will Payload Instructor (PD and/or SE) be trained and when is Payload Instructor training scheduled to begin? –PD provided Instructor training (internal) Internal payload team will train the PD instructor rep on what to know for the science briefing and how to organize the briefing. –SSTF/PTC Payload Instructor Training TBD: DACUM Working Group Meetings developing curriculum. Express Payloads TST #1 Astroculture-8 (ADVASC)