Cydney Jones
Systems My parents My location Martial arts WEAVE Drill team My friends Feminism My parents’ employment
Chaos Theory Butterfly Effect My route to the Human Services major, starting at five years old
Chaos Theory, cont. Bifurcation Effects Death in family two options: ○ Drift apart as we deal with grief ○ Gather together for support
Chaos Theory, cont. Self-Organization Dance/drill team WEAVE Human Services major WEAVE
Ecological Systems Theory Microsystems My parents My school My roommates My boyfriend My friends WEAVE Martial Arts My Job My location My parents and I
Ecological Systems Theory, cont. Mesosystems My school and my roommates WEAVE and my close friends
Ecological Systems Theory, cont. Exosystems My parents’ employment Family lives of my close friends
Authenticity Making my language match my stated beliefs/values Increase participation and knowledge