Father of The X-ray
1845 born Germany 1848 raised in the Netherlands 1869 Ph.D. Mech. Eng., Zurich 1895 discovery of X-rays 1901 wins first Nobel in Physics 1923 dies
specific heat of gases electrical & chemical properties of quartz effects of pressure on refractive indices of liquids Early Work
“Crookes” Tube
Roentgen’s X-Rays Nov. 8th, 1895 not an accident
First Lady of X- Ray
January 6, News Cabled from the London Standard The noise of war's alarm should not distract attention from the marvelous triumph of science which is reported from Vienna. It is announced that Professor Routgen (sic) of the Wurzburg University has discovered a light which for the purpose of photography will penetrate wood, flesh, cloth, and most other organic substances. The Professor has succeeded in photographing metal weights which were in a closed wooden case, also a man's hand which showed only the bones, the flesh being invisible. Instant Renown
Roentgen Legacy Medical x-rays Industrial diagnostics
many wave/particle questions X-rays did not diffract or refract BUT penetrated solids Max von Laue hypothesis-> Friedrich & Knipping exp’ts.
William Lawrence & William Henry Bragg determine wavelength of x-rays Braggs change diagnostic tool for x-rays into tool for studying crystals
Barkla & others bombard different elements with x-rays & find “hard”, “soft” reflections 1914 Henry Gwyn-Jeffries Moseley measures wavelength of reflections: atomic order!
Henri Becquerel was seeking a connection between fluorescence and x-rays when he found … (go, Libby!)