DCAT-AP Revision WG meeting 4 September 2015
StartTopicSpeaker 10: :40Welcome introductionWillem 10:40 – 10:45Report of the public comment periodMakx 10:45 – 11:15Issues related to Agent rolesMakx 11:15 – 11:30Issues needing clarificationsMakx 11: :40Issues not to fixMakx 11:40 – 11:45Editorial issuesMakx 11:45 – 11:55Implementation experienceNikos 11:55 – 12:00Next steps, closingWillem Webinar Agenda 2
Welcome introduction
Report of the public comment period
…from 8 people 4 countries (Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands) 4 public organisations (Publications Office, Joint research Centre, Finnish IT centre for science, Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale) 1 private organisation (]init[ digital agency, Germany) 1 public university (Faculty of Sciences, University of Amsterdam) Metrics 27 comments received
Issues related to Agent roles
1. Semantics of Authority 2. Clarification of Agent roles 3. Define new property for type of contributor 4. Add dct:contributor to Dataset 7 Issues related to Agent roles
Issues needing clarifications
5. Use of Checksum class 6. Recommended class: MUST or SHOULD 7. Licence types (mapping creating overhead) 8. Licence types (semantics) 9. Clarify target for dcat:landingPage 10. Drop maximum cardinality constraint on dcat:landingPage 11. Values for dct:language 12. Distinguish controlled vocabularies for dcat:theme and dcat:themeTaxonomy 13. Controlled vocabulary for type of adms:Identifier 9 Issues needing clarifications (1/2)
14. Vocabularies with draft status 15. Publish and use publicly available vocabularies 16. Mandatory vocabularies 17. Add MDR Continents NAL to the recommended vocabularies for spatial coverage 10 Issues needing clarifications (2/2)
Issues not to fix
18. Literal and Resource as Mandatory classes 19. Licence Documents and Rights Statements 20. Rights on Distribution, Access rights on Dataset 21. Licence on Distribution 22. Frequency vocabulary 23. Exclude Regions, cities from theme vocabulary 12 Issues not to fix
Editorial issues
24. Naming Issue - Catalogue vs. Catalog 25. Proposal: No changeErrors in UML Class Diagram 26. Errors in Annex I Quick reference 27. Order of attributes in class diagram dct:PeriodOfTime 14 Editorial issues
Implementation experience
Next steps, closing
17 Next steps, closing
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