Picoplankton Community Structure subarctic (K2) v.s. subtropical (Aloha similar) Nianzhi (George) Jiao, Yao Zhang Xiamen University China
Investigation Sites Fig. 1 Sampling stations Chlorophyll a remote images (Aqua-MODIS) of August 2005 were employed as the backgrounds. NWPG: North Western Pacific; NEP: North Eastern Pacific; MNEP: Marginal sea of North Eastern Pacific.
Picoplankton discrimination by FCM ProchlorococcusSynechococcus PicoeukaryotesHeterotrophic bacteria
AAPB ( aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria ) TIREM Jiao et al., 2006, TIREM Jiao et al., 2006, Journal of Microbiological Methods
Paths of Photosynthesis Karl, 2002
Sunlight Phtosynthesis in Phytoplankton Phtosynthesis in AAPB C fixation ATP Save OC Ocean C cycling Re-budget ?? respiration consumption
Carbon cycling
TEM-Ultrathin sections SEM dc10-s dg26-y-1(2216) dc10-s db6-y-2(0.2) TEM-Negatively stained cells AAPB cells
Non-AAPB AAPB ciliatesMeso-zooplanktonflagellates ciliates flagellates Meso-zooplankton Cellular contribution to sinking flux in AAPB could also be higher than non-AAPB
Deployment 1 Deployment 2 Depth profiles of the abundance (upper) And biomass (lower) of picoplankton at K2.
Fig. 4 Depth profiles of picoplankton at K2 with false connection down to 200m. The data of m are adopted from Liu et al
Picoplankton Carbon Biomass at K2 Fig. 5 Depth profiles of pico-sized autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon biomass at K2. The data of m (shaded) were from Liu et al
Comparison between K2 and Aloha similars Fig. 1 Sampling stations Chlorophyll a remote images (Aqua-MODIS) of August 2005 were employed as the backgrounds. NWPG: North Western Pacific; NEP: North Eastern Pacific; MNEP: Marginal sea of North Eastern Pacific.
Pico- biomass K2 v.s. NWPG Fig. 6 Vertical distribution of pico-sized autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon biomass at K2 and NWPG1 Surface layer: Auto > hetero Auto < hetero Twilight zone: Auto hetero Gyre K2
Comparison along longitude Fig. 1 Sampling stations Chlorophyll a remote images (Aqua-MODIS) of August 2005 were employed as the backgrounds. NWPG: North Western Pacific; NEP: North Eastern Pacific; MNEP: Marginal sea of North Eastern Pacific.
NEP1, 2,3,4 Auto –fraction increased eastward Vertical distibution of pico-sized autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon biomass at NEP
Fig. 10 Variation of vertical profiles of pico-sized autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon biomass along longitude
NEP4 (1,2,3,4) K2 (1,2) in terms of Biomass flux and auto/hetero ratio; although composition are different Vertical distribution of pico- sized autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon biomass at NEP4 Depth profiles of pico-sized autotrophic and heterotrophic carbon biomass at K2
Two dimensional trends
Conclusions Picoeukaryoes and Synechococcus dominate carbon biomass of pico-autotrophs at K2 Prochlorococcus dominate carbon biomass of pico-autotrophs at low latitudes especially in the oligotrophic areas. AAPB are more abundant in entrophic waters than in oligotrphic waters picoplankton carbon flux maximum layer depth eutrophic waters: 50-75m oligotrophic waters: m Temperature and nutrients are two major controlling factors Variations along gradients: autotrophs >> heterotrophic bacteria Therefore whether or not a province is autotrophic or heterotrophic is determined primarily by autotrophs
Cheers! K2 Aloha