Area of Study 1
Evidence of Psi Abilities will not be revealed when using the Zener Card Test -This -This must outline your dependent variable and independent variable should also indentify the direction direction of the hypothesis (prediction)
The first thing the readers meets Create a good first impression No longer than 15 words Should summarise the point of the study You want to catch the reader’s attention YOU MUST ALWAYS CAPITALISE THE FIRST LETTER OF EACH MAIN WORD IN THE TITLE
Investigating a Psychological Phenomenon Testing for Psi Abilities Zener Cards Reveal Psychic Ability in Teens
Placed on the second page after the cover sheet. Fewer than 125 words Summary of the report –R–Research question –M–Method –R–Results –C–Conclusions
Start a new page This begins the report itself properly The introduction and discussion = 65% of your report in total Introduce generally – summarise major research on this topic Use your background reading for this section End with specific info – your hypothesis
General information Specific Information
You must provide the bare essentials or minimum information for someone else to replicate your experiment It must be precise and succinct Subheadings: – Participants – Materials (apparatus) – Procedure
participants: -n-number or individuals -h-how they were selected -O-Other info that is relevant eg. gender, age etc. -E-Ethical considerations eg. volunteers
materials: -A-Any equipment or materials used: Eg. pen and paper test, survey, ball, bowl & fork etc
procedure: -S-Step by step description of what was done Eg. participants were divided into groups of three, each was a assigned the either the role of sender, receiver or observer……
Tells the reader exactly what you analysed You need to say if you have ‘transformed’ the data in any way eg. percentages or a chart Give a general statement about the important results Do not discuss or interpret the results ie. don’t explain why this happened yet
Do not include ‘raw data’ in your results
Review your findings – how do they relate to previous research Think creatively about what your results mean Take your reader back through the experiment again briefly: –R–Restate results –P–Problems with task/extraneous variables/anything interesting or unexpected – why? –W–Why is this study important for the rest of society –C–Conclusion: what have we learned?
Never write in first person eg. I, me, you, we, us…. Always write in past tense – ‘it was predicted that’, ‘participants were given…’