Smartship Briefing – October 2005 Crew Activity & Network Usage Example 1: Crew utilize applications, devices and servers to carry out maintenance and troubleshooting for specific shipboard equipment (job-based) Example 2: Sensors utilize applications, devices and servers to transmit data from specific shipboard equipment/components (service-based) sensor devices wireless access point ICAS workstations DS2 Server SKED & OMMS NG Servers Web Service s portion of ISNS Wired Network ADNS WLAN Wireless Extension wireless access point wireless access point ePMA IETM SLQ32 Racks equipment room SLQ32 DCC control room
Smartship Briefing – October 2005 The Infrastructure Model
Example: Maintenance Protocols Simulating Interactions of Crew, Equipment, Applications, Network Smartship Briefing – October 2005 Model Parameterizations Vary Crew and Network Utilization Triggers: operational failure, sensor alert, planned maintenance diagnostics Maintenance Application Aids: none (hardcopy), IETM, ePMA,... Maintenance Device Aids: laptop, PDA, diagnostic devices, … Reporting Application & Device Aids: SKED, ePMA, PDA, workstation, … Servers for triggers, maintenance activity, maintenance reporting Wired vs. Wireless sensor alert triggers troubleshooting action crew follows prescribed troubleshooting procedures to resolve failure crew reporting updates maintenance databases XML model defines detailed maintenance sequences
Smartship Briefing – October 2005 Supporting Historical Data Network utilization due to maintenance on generators is simulated using historical data from DDG class ship IDEICEquipment nomenclature Narrative summary Discover Open Close LengthShip force man hours Crew (est.) Part Issues GENERATION SYSTEMS ELECTRIC POWER MOTOR ACTEST/REPAIR GTG AUX PUMP MOTOR 11/10/ /12/ /06/ DAYS COUPLING, FLEXIB NR1 SSGTG COUPLING REPLACEMENT 05/23/ /24/ HRS VALVE, CONTROL-TE 2 GTG TEMP REG VALVE FAILED 05/07/ /22/ WKS NOZZLE, FUEL ASS NR2 GTG HIGH TEMPS THERMOCOU 07/08/ /08/ HRS LOCAL CONTROL PA 2 LOCOP DAMAGED PWR SUPPLY 08/20/ /03/ DAYS LOCAL CONTROL PA 3 GTG LOCAL FUEL TEMP CARD FAULT 04/05/ /09/ /10/ MOS Troubleshooting XML models simulate patterns of equipment failure / resolution. Model parameters vary triggers, application & device usage (wired & wireless), session elapsed times (crew & application), data sizes & flow.