LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 1 Physical Property Measurements of Glassy Metals Michael Hall Six Month Intern Drexel University Measuring Thermal Properties LIGO-G D Valerie Cervantes High School Student Mayfield Senior School Data Processing
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 2 The Quantum Design Cryostat Temperature Range: 1.9K – 400K Pressure: 8.9 x Torr Samples: Metglas, MoRuB
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 3 Thermal Transport - Theory 1.Generate Heat Pulse 2.Measure T = T hot - T cold 3.Estimate Corrections 4.Calculate Thermal Conductivity!
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 4 Thermal Transport - Hardware
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 5 The Cryostat – HiVac System HiVac Pressure: 9x10 -5 Torr Many Problems!! Result: Quantum Design is Redesigning Cryopump
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 6 Cryopump Failure
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 7 Continuous Measurement
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 8 Ideal Data Acquisition
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 9 Poor Data Acquisition
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 10 TTO – Stable Measurement
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 11 Data Processing
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 12 Data Processing TT
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 13 Thermal Transport Formulas Conductance K = P/ T Conductivity = [(P IN -P RAD )/ T-K WIRES ](L/A) P RAD = (S/2)(T HOT 4 -T COLD 4 ) K WIRES is Measured Directly!
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 14 Measurement Adjustments 1.Stable Measurements 2. T ~ 0.5K – 1.5K 3.Measure Parasitic Conductance 4.Manual Data Processing
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 15 Thermal Conductivity
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 16 Heat Capacity - Theory 1.Generate Heat Pulse 2.Measure RC 3.Estimate Corrections 4.Calculate Heat Capacity! T = T exp[-t/R 8 (C P +C G +C S )]
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 17 Heat Capacity – Sample Data
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 18 Q Factor Measurement
LIGO Laboratory at Caltech 19 The Glassy Metals Team Maddalena MantovaniHardness & Elasticity / Undergraduate Stefano TirelliStress & Strain / Undergraduate Brian EmmersonX-Ray Diffraction / Undergraduate Michael HallThermal Properties / Undergraduate Valerie CervantesData Analysis (TP) / HS Student Rosalia StellacciCreep Analysis / Undergraduate Xavier De LepineFEA of Flex Joint / Undergraduate Eric KortSample Uniformity / Undergraduate Stoyan NikolovFEA of Flex Joint / Undergraduate Barbara SimoniPhase Transition / Undergraduate ChenYang WangStress & Strain / Graduate Student Hareem TariqCoordinator / Graduate Student Jan SchroersPost Doctoral Scholar Alessandro BertoliniAssistant Professor (University of Pisa) Bill JohnsonProfessor (Materials Science) Riccardo DeSalvoSr. Scientist