Conditionals in English If it doesn’t snow again, I will be very angry. If you paid a lot of money for that shirt, the salesperson deceived you. If I walk 12,000 steps today, I reach my goal. If the students did not study for the test, they failed. If Wayde had called last night to cancel school, I would be very happy. If you didn’t clean up your mess, your mother didn’t allow you to go to the mall. EACH SENTENCE CONTAINS A “CONDITIONAL CLAUSE” IN A VARIETY OF VERB TENSES. PUT PARENTHESIS AROUND EACH (CONDITIONAL CLAUSE) ABOVE i.e WHICH PART OF THE SENTENCE EXPRESSES THE CONDITION.
CONDITIONALS IN LATIN Conditional clauses/sentences in Latin can ALSO utilize all the tenses that we have learned so far. Conditional sentences in Latin do NOT contain subjunctive verbs i.e. this is NOT a use of the subjunctive. Sī illud dīxistī, erravistī – If you said that, you were wrong. Sī filius meus mortuus est, fundum libertīs legō – If my son is dead, I leave the farm to his freedmen. Many times, the Latin uses the future or the future perfect tense in the conditional clause BUT we translate those tenses in the PRESENT for a more polished, English sentence. Sī tu mihi nocu eris, ego tibi nocebō – If you harm me, I will harm you. Sī pompam spectā bis, delectāberis – If you watch the parade, you will be delighted. OUR GOAL : POLISHED, NATURAL, GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT ENGLISH!