TOBI (the exciting conclusion!) February 1, 2011
A Modest Agenda TOBI homeworks are due! DSP homeworks will be returned on Thursday…
Languages! Baba Malay Cree Dutch Farsi Italian Japanese Latvian Polish Serbian Tagalog Urdu Zeeuws Also: Child language (3 year-old)
Peach Colo(u)rs
TOBI, so far 1.Pitch Accents H* and L* 2.Phrase Accents H- and L- 3.Boundary Tones H% and L% 4.Break Indices 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 5.Downstepping and Upstepping
Bitonal Pitch Accents In addition to H* and L*, there are three bitonal pitch accents. Here are the first two: L + H* L* + H The starred element denotes the tone which is associated with the stressed syllable. L + H* = high peak on stressed syllable, preceded by a sharp rise in pitch. L* + H = low pitch target on stressed syllable, followed by a sharp rise in pitch.
H* vs. L + H* Marianna won it. H* L + H* Note: informative vs. contrastive function
L* vs. L* + H Only a millionaire. Marianna made the marmalade? H* L* + HL-H% L* H-H%
L + H* vs. L* + H There’s a lovely one in Bloomingdale’s. L* + H L + H*
Filling the Gap Another feature of phrase accents is that they fill in the gap between the nuclear accent and the boundary of the intermediate phrase. L* + H L- H%
More Downstepping Bitonal pitch accents can also undergo downstepping. L + H* L + !H* L + !H*L-L%
H + !H* The final pitch accent in the TOBI inventory is H+!H*. This one often appears at the beginning of phrases.
Pitch-Accents Round-up There are five pitch accents: H* L* L + H* L* + H H + !H* The * attaches to stressed syllables. The final pitch accent in an intonational phrase is the nuclear accent. Generally perceived as more prominent.
Practice Time… public_html/ling441/TOBIlab3.html
A Chunking Review utterance intonational phrase(intonational phrase)... intermediate phrase(intermediate phrase)... (pitch accent)nuclear accent (stressed syllable)stressed syllable
Break Indices 4 marks boundaries between intonational phrases associated with a boundary tone (H% or L%) sense of complete disjuncture 3 marks boundaries between intermediate phrases associated with a phrase accent (H- or L-) lesser sense of disjuncture 1 marks boundaries between words 0 marks phonetic coarticulation between words (2 marks uncertainties or apparent mismatches) rarely used
0 Level Boundaries 0 level boundaries are marked wherever there is clear coarticulation across a word boundary Also for flaps across word boundaries, as in “got it”