Born 1460 Died 1521
Personal information Juan Ponce de Leon was born in 1460.He lived in a village of Santervas de Campos. He had 3 daughters Juana, Isabel, Maria and one son Luis. He was the first ever European to find land in Florida. He became a governor and started mining. Christopher Columbus’s son told Juan Ponce de Leon to leave from governor. He died at age 61 in 1521.
Juan Ponce de Leon was sponsored by the country of Spain.
Juan Ponce de Leon wanted to find…. Juan Ponce de Leon wanted to find land and riches. The Fountain of Youth is also something he wanted to find but,it is just a myth.
Ships used His ships were Santiago, Santa Maria de la Consolation, and San Christobal. ships
Region discovered He discovered the land of Florida and the Gulf Stream. Also he found lots of farm land. Florida
achievements Juan Ponce de Leon found land for Spain in Florida.
Impact on American Indians of the region When explorers came, they brought diseases. Juan Ponce de Leon was really, really mean to the Indians. He got fired from governor after being mean.
Recommendations for the king It would be good to live there because there is a lot of farm land. Do not bother to see The beautiful Fountain of youth. The beautiful flowers are something you should go see. People can die from diseases and Indians. They can get shot. So you should beware. You should be friends with the Indians and be sweet, nice, and helpful with them also. Trading would be a good thing to do. They could be helpful too.
Juan Ponce De Leon
Personal information He was born in Palencia, Spain. He was Spanish. He also discovered Florida. He was trained as a warrior and public servant. He sailed to Spain. He became a military commander..
Juan Ponce de Leon was sponsored to explore by Spain.
Juan Ponce de Leon wanted to find… Juan Ponce de Leon wanted to find Bimini, gold, land and the fountain of youth.
Ships used He rode on the ships Santa Maria, Santiago and San Cristobal.
Route taken by Juan Ponce de Leon.
Region discovered Juan Ponce de Leon found Florida. Map of region
achievements He found land for Spain. He also found Florida.
Impact on American Indians of the region First the Indians were nice then they were mean. The Indians got diseases and died from the explorers.
Recommendations for the king There’s a lot of farm land. It’s is going to be hard to kick out the Indians. We should get half of the land and they should get half of the land.
PERSONAL INFORMATION Juan Ponce de Leon was born in Tierra de Campos Palencia Spain. He sailed with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the new world. He tried to find a fountain but he landed in Florida and had no luck. As a boy he was hired to deliver messages in royal court.
Juan Ponce de Leon wanted to find a fountain that people say kept you young. He also wanted to find riches and land. ….WANTED TO FIND
Juan Ponce de Leon used the Santa Maria to sail. He also used the Santiago. Another ship he used was the San Cristobal. SHIPS USED
Route taken by Juan Ponce de Leon.
Juan Ponce de Leon found a lot of flowers in Florida. There was animals that they could make food out of. Juan Ponce de Leon could use the animals bones to make things. REGION DISCOVERED…
ACHIEVEMENTS One achievement he had was finding Florida. He found a new island and named it Dry Tortuga. I think he named it Dry Tortuga because it is dry and it has a lot of tortoises.
The explorers came to America sick so they gave it to the Indians and the Indians died. The explorers pushed the Indians out of their land. IMPACT ON AMERICAN INDIANS OF THE REGION
One benefit is that they have really nice land. One drawback is that they have to deal with the Indians. They could be nice to them and barter. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE KING