Roman Numerals Roman Numerals follow the history of ancient Rome. From its beginning in 3 rd century B.C. to its fall in 5 th century AD. The Renaissance Period came after ancient Rome fell but Roman Numerals appear throughout the history of the time period.
Roman civilization was very sophisticated, mathematical skills were used to develop the Coliseum, arches, Pantheon and Roman bath houses.
A Flawed System However, their number system was flawed…it had no ZERO (0) and no single method of counting above several thousand units. The fall of the Roman Empire saw the introduction and adoption of ARABIC numerals…the ones we use today.
ZERO The invention of ZERO was a huge leap forward.
Practice Convert the following to Arabic Numerals: XVIII: XXIV: CCXXXVI: MMDXLV Convert the following to Roman Numerals: XVII XLVIII CCCLXXVIII CDLVIII
Class Activity Volunteers: –Two Leaders –Two Recruiters –Two Converters –The class will be split into two groups. –I will give an Arabic Numeral to be converted –The people mentioned above will come up with Roman Numeral and assign each person (student from class) a number. –First team to hold up correct Roman Numeral wins!