初中进阶 (2260 期 ) 1 版 Meet the man doing digital magic
Pre-reading 1. Discuss with your classmates how Zach King managed to make his “magic” videos.
2. Besides “ magic videos, ” what else do you know about Zach King?
While reading Complete the chart with the information from the article. Complete the chart with the information from the article. YearEvent 1990King was born in America. __1__ King used ____________2____________ to make his first video of ____________3____________. __4__ King ___________5___________ with the money in his “ car fund. ” 2013 King was named ____________6____________ who have the potential to be successful his parents’ video camera his three younger sisters 2004 bought video equipment one of the 25 young filmmakers
Answer the following questions. Answer the following questions. 1. Is Zach King doing magic or just making use of computer editing in his “ magic videos ” ? 2. How many examples have been used to show Zach King ’ s creativity? He is making use of computer editing. Three.
3. What has made Zach King one of the most promising young filmmakers? 4. According to the article, what is Zach King ’ s ambition? His creative ideas and great skills. His ambition is to be the next Steven Spielberg.
Language study Match the words with their correct meanings. Match the words with their correct meanings. 1. talented 2. passion 3. creative 4. success 5. float a. having the skill and ability to produce something new, especially a work of art b. to move slowly on water or in the air c. a very strong feeling of love, hatred, anger, etc. d. the fact that you have achieved something you want e. having a natural ability to do something well
After reading Watch more Zach King ’ s six-second videos and work with your classmates to create your own “ magic videos. ” Watch more Zach King ’ s six-second videos and work with your classmates to create your own “ magic videos. ”