A Novel Cryptography for Ad Hoc Network Security ► Pi Jian-yong; Liu Xin-song; Wu Ai; Liu Dan; ► 2006 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, Volume 3, June 2006 Page(s): /08/28 H.-H. Ou
Introduction Features of Ad Hoc network Not fixed infrastructure and central administration The authors' proposed Offline Trusted Third Party (TTP) Authentication Code (AC) Key agreement Diffie-Hellman 2008/08/282H.-H. Ou
The proposed Initialization TTP Private key: V auth Public Key: Y auth = g V auth mod p Node identity: m i Randomly select s i, s i ’,and W i = g si mod p, Q i = g si’ mod p According to m i = V auth W i + Q i U i mod (p-1) calculate U i by using the extend Euclid alg. (Wi, Qi, Ui) as the node’s secret private Authentication Code (AC) Nodes Verify Y auth Wi g QiUi = g Y auth Wi+QiUi = g mi 2008/08/283H.-H. Ou
The proposed Key agreement Alice Randomly select x X = g x mod p, X’ = g x+Q A U A mod p (m A, W A, X, X’) Bob Identity Yg m B =? Y auth W B Y’ mod p Session key K 1 = Y’ x+Q A U A mod p 2008/08/284H.-H. Ou Bob Randomly select y Y = g y mod p, Y’ = g y+Q B U B mod p (m B, W B, Y, Y’) Alice Identity Xg m A =? X auth W A X’ mod p Session key K 2 = X’ y+Q B U B mod p K 1 = g(x+Q A U A )(y+Q B U B ) mod p = K 2