Calorie Posting Toolkit Laura Molloy - Health Services, Health Promotion and Improvement
2 2 Catering, facilities & Dietetics Who Providing calorie counts on food and drinks What HSE Staff, and Visitors For Help everyone make healthier choices Why Calorie Posting in the Health Services
Implementation of Calorie Posting Gain buy in/ support/commitment from hospital management and set up a Working Group Build awareness of calorie posting - Inform all stakeholders at the start including staff, service users, and visitors of plan and the date calorie posting starts Allow sufficient resources/time Train staff & encourage staff buy-in Slide 5 Impl eme ntati on of Calor ie Posti ng
S et up software package for inputting recipes and sourcing calorie information
Mainly with fat and sugar and of little nutritional value Often highly processed & high in salt High Calorie Foods More vitamins, minerals and fibre More natural state and more variety All food groups included Lower Calorie Foods
Implementation of Calorie Posting Standardise standardising recipes &portions Monitor progress & outcomes before during and after Maintain the implementation of the policy Set up software package for inputting recipes and sourcing calorie information
Laura Molloy Health Services-Health Promotion and Improvement