South Carolina Succeeds State Board of Education Update South Carolina Succeeds Dr. Sheila Quinn Deputy Superintendent SC Department of Education Assessments, Accountability, College & Career Ready February 11, 2016
Impact of ESSA on Accountability States must be ready to implement a new Accountability Model that is compliant with ESSA in 2017-18 Guidance on ESSA is in infancy – States are just beginning to interpret its meaning CCSSO and USED emphasize the need to take the full transition period SCDE will be recommending that the General Assembly allow South Carolina to delay until 2017-18
ESSA 30,000 foot View Accountability System Establish school performance objectives Measure progress of schools/districts against those objectives Taking action with respect to schools that do not make acceptable progress
ESSA Must Report on: State-designed long term goals with measurements of interim progress for ALL students & subgroups in the following areas (at a minimum) Achievement on State Assessments Graduation Rates English Language Proficiency
ESSA Accountability System Must Include these Academic Indicators: Achievement on state tests Growth or other indicator for elementary & middle Graduation Rates for high schools Progress in English language proficiency Substantial Weight
Long Term Goals Discussion Rigorous but attainable Grounded in where we have been and where we want to be In line with other states & national expectations Transparency and honesty
ACT Aspire English Close Ready & above Combined 3 29.4 65.1 94.5 4 26.2 67.2 93.4 5 25.9 67.6 93.5 6 23.7 66.3 90.0 7 20.9 70.2 91.1 8 21.7 70.8 92.5 Reading Close Ready & above Combined 3 19.3 31.8 51.1 4 31.3 32.8 63.9 5 30.3 33.6 6 36.9 67.2 7 69.6 8 24.4 46.7 71.1 NAEP Gr 4 28.2 % NAEP Gr 8 29.3 % Writing Close Ready & above Combined 3 54.0 16.2 70.2 4 72.0 18.7 90.7 5 52.5 16.9 69.4 6 48.2 36.1 84.3 7 47.7 28.1 75.8 8 51.9 27.1 79.0 Math Close Ready & above Combined 3 29.3 58.0 60.3 4 42.0 49.4 91.4 5 44.9 48.2 93.1 6 32.0 53.2 85.2 7 37.2 36.4 73.6 8 29.0 61.0 NAEP Gr 4 35.1 % NAEP Gr 4 30.8 %
College and Career Assessments Grade 11 ACT Grade 11 WorkKeys English 38.7 Math 21.6 Reading 25.8 Science 17.9 Met benchmark in all 4 11.3 Level % Silver 40.0 Gold 22.1 Platinum 0.8 Met Silver or higher 62.9
ESSA Accountability System Must include at least one measure of School Quality or Student Success Student engagement Completion of advanced coursework Post-secondary readiness (CCR) School climate or safety “Other” as determined by State Weight Less
Defensible method to combine these categories Accountability Aggregate the results from five areas: Achievement Growth Graduation rate English proficiency School Quality or Student Success 95% tested Results of students/subgroups must be weighted in such a way that they produce results that “meaningfully differentiate” schools annually and identify schools in need of comprehensive support Defensible method to combine these categories
ESSA Identification for Low Performance Comprehensive Support & Improvement At least once every three years 5% lowest performing in the State High Schools with graduation rates <67% School with subgroups performing as low as the lowest 5% schools for x number of years
ESSA Identification for Low Performance Targeted Support & Intervention At least once every three years Consistently under-performing subgroups (not necessary as low as the lowest 5% schools, but the gap to proficiency by the subgroups is consistently high
World Class Knowledge & Skills World Class Opportunities World Class Knowledge & Skills World Class Opportunities World Class System Quality Level Assessments Opportunities to Learn Non-Academic Indicator Bonus Elementary Achievement GAP Growth N/A ELP - Attendance Early Childhood Climate Gallup Student Poll Program Review Personalized learning Middle On Track to Graduate Advanced Coursework Climate Gallup Student Poll High College & Career Ready Grad Rate College Preparation District College & Career Ready AdvancED Following up on our meeting, here are my thoughts potential measures that could go into the “College & Career Preparedness” non-academic indicator: % of students who fill out a FAFSA % of students completing a college application % of students who complete Individual Graduation Plan % of students earning Palmetto, LIFE scholarships % of students who enter careers within one year of graduation (if we can get data from DEW) On track to graduate (Middle School – 8th grade) GPA of 2.5 or better 96% attendance No final Ds or Fs in ELA or Math No suspensions
South Carolina Assessments Content Areas Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 High School College/Career Readiness 9-12 English Language Arts SC Ready 3-5 SC Ready 6-8 English 1 PSAT/PLAN Grade 10 Mathematics Algebra 1 ACT Grade 11 Science SC PASS Grade 4 Grade 6 Biology 1 WorkKeys Social Studies Grade 5 Grade 7 US History & Constitution Alternate College Entrance option English Language Proficiency ACCESS Authentic Performance Tasks
Kentucky’s Success on College Readiness 66.8% 62.5% Percent of Students College Ready 54.1% 47.2% 42% 37% 34.0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
College Ready DRAFT School could potentially earn points for students who meet “college ready” status by end of Grade 12 Grade 11 College Entrance Test benchmarks (ACT/SAT); Any repeat administration of ACT/SAT/Compass/Accuplacer)in grade 12; AP course completion with a “3 or higher”; IB course completion with a “4 or higher; Dual Credit course credit Mutually Agreed Upon Cut Score for all IHEs to take a credit bearing course
Career Ready DRAFT School could potentially earn points for students who meet “career ready” status by end of Grade 12 for the percentage of students who Score a “Silver or above” on WorkKeys Complete a Career and Technical program of study Earn an Industry Certification in a field that leads to living wage Completes an approved apprenticeship program
Next Steps Seek legislative approval to delay new accountability model until the 2017-18 school year New report card implementation November 2018
Complications with SC Timeline New SC Ready Assessment 2015-16 Vertical Scaling will not be ready until after 2016-17 administration of SC Ready tests EOC must approve the assessments after vertical scaling in summer 2017 Re-procure College Entrance Assessment in 2016-17 Get approval for and procure the Grade 12 Alternate college entrance option
Complications with SC Timeline Time to design & test the data systems to collect all of the new data elements for the Report Card Amendments to EAA may not occur until January – June 2017 Items in the Non-Academic Indicators need to be vetted and tested for validity at least one year before they count AdvancED (not all districts trained and ready) Personalized learning rubrics Climate survey, Gallop student poll, college preparation metric
Complications with SC Timeline Plan must be put out for public comment for a prescribed period New USED Secretary of Education beginning January 2017 Regulatory guidance on ESSA could impact approval of South Carolina’s accountability plan USED has 120 days to conduct Peer Review and approve the plan
Possible Timeline October 2016 – DRAFT PLAN November – December 2016 – Public comment & stakeholder feedback January – February 2017 – Seek EOC, SBE, & General Assembly approval March – June 2017 – USED approval time period June – July 2017– revisions (if needed) July – August 2017– Training for districts (simulations if possible)