Welcome To The KBCS Student Council
Our Goals To represent the student body To represent the student body To create school events to enhance school spirit To create school events to enhance school spirit To focus on student issues and to come up with solutions To focus on student issues and to come up with solutions To collect data about student concerns and needs To collect data about student concerns and needs To work as a team to get everything done in a timely fashion To work as a team to get everything done in a timely fashion
How Do We Do All This?
We Must Get Organized
Communication is Key! All officers need to have everyone’s and phone number All officers need to have everyone’s and phone number Everyone should check the Student Council Web Page weekly for updates Everyone should check the Student Council Web Page weekly for updates Listen to the school’s daily announcements Listen to the school’s daily announcements Share meeting minutes and documents with everyone Share meeting minutes and documents with everyone
Have Meetings Make sure to schedule meetings to accommodate as many people as possible The secretary should take minutes at all meetings What day should we have meetings? How long should meetings last?
How To Take Minutes…. The date and location of meeting should be on top of the document A list of people present should also be added to the top The Minutes should consist of all the main topics discussed in bold with details about the issue in bullets under it When a vote is taken on an issue it should be list and the person who proposed as well as the person who seconded it should be listed If a motion is not passed by majority the ratio of the vote should be listed HERES AN EXAMPLE
How Do We Find Out Students Needs? You have to ask! You have to ask! Put out surveys to your student body Put out surveys to your student body During your free periods ask them about their concerns During your free periods ask them about their concerns Ask them to attend your meetings to discuss issues and concerns Ask them to attend your meetings to discuss issues and concerns All of this data should be put into some type of visual and Numerical Representation All of this data should be put into some type of visual and Numerical Representation
Today’s Agenda -Meeting day/time? -About SC -Representatives -First Activity Teacher of the Month Today’s Agenda -Meeting day/time? -About SC -Representatives -First Activity Teacher of the Month
Responsibilities of President Coordinate meetings Submit motions in writing to the council secretary Work with treasurer on budget and calendar Submit proposed agendas to council for vote Responsibilities to students: Voice student concerns to the administration Keep in touch with school clubs and PTSA Seek student opinions Responsibilities to faculty and administration: Keep faculty informed on developments in council Work with faculty on ways to enhance educational atmosphere Point out problems in the school before they become crises
Responsibilities of Vice President Be prepared to assume the responsibilities of the president at any time Assist in the preparation of budgets and agendas Help the president coordinate the work of committees Help explain the opinions of the president to council Contribute ideas during meetings Work with all council members to iron out any differences between parties
Responsibilities of Secretary Keep an accurate record of issues considered by the council (Meeting Minutes)Meeting Minutes Contribute personal ideas and opinions whenever appropriate Prepare and distribute agenda Take attendance Produce a student council directory
Responsibilities of Treasurer Work with school’s treasurer to understand policies for student finances and to set up and maintain an account for the council Formulate an active budget for the council Make cost analysis of proposed activities and projects. Make monthly financial statements and report to the council.
Let’s make some decisions! Meetings Day: Time: Frequency: Representatives: Student Council sign up sheet.
Teacher of the Month January What criteria should we select them based on? Who will make the certificate? Who will write the morning announcement? Should we have an Elementary and Middle school teacher selected each month?
Thank you for your participation in today’s meeting! I look forward to all the positive things we can do together!