Expert Sub-Group on EQSs –1. EQS Methodology Setting –2. Prioritization ? DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCES FOR WORKING GROUP E ON PRIORITY SUBSTANCES (Collaboration of COM (ENV, JRC) + INERIS)
DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCES FOR WORKING GROUP E ON PRIORITY SUBSTANCES Objectives: Identify methodological themes and prioritize according to impact on EQS Agree on EQS methodology and framework for setting EQS for the revised list of PS Assist the COM to set EQS Methodology: Methodology EQS for water (highest priority) EQS for biota, sediment (initiate work to derive available knowledge on models) EQS for PAHs EQS for metals (potential use of a bio-ligand or speciation model) Agreement on Methodology and prepare TGD Lepper (2003, 2005, 2006); INERIS documents to EAF/WG E
DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCES FOR WORKING GROUP E ON PRIORITY SUBSTANCES Organization and Participation –Work will be based on meetings, video- conferences, drafting groups, written review –Workshops on specialty topics –Participants should have scientific expertise –Number of participants: some MS + IND/NGO –Coordination by COM – ECB + MS Co-chair?
DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCES FOR WORKING GROUP E ON PRIORITY SUBSTANCES Milestones + Deliverables –March 2007 – WG E consider ToR Written comments to ECB and DG ENV –15 April list of nominations for EG-EQS participation to ECB and DG ENV –15 April 2007 – Nominations of MS co-chairs –Mid to late May 2007 – EG-EQS Kick-off Mtg –End 2007 – EG-EQS review on EQS Methodology and recommendation –June 2008 – Draft TGD for EQS Setting – – EQS Datasheets for new PS and updated datasheets where appropriate.
(Q)SAR Modelling of Aquatic Endpoints (Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationships, (Q)SAR analysis, and related methodologies such as read-across and chemical categories provide a means for estimation of toxicological hazard of chemicals from their chemical structure. Current status ECB has expertise in modelling of aquatic toxicity and bioaccumulation The work focuses on three main themes: - Support of policies - Original research - Training Development of software tools to facilitate the use of the computational approaches