M&S CHRISTMAS ADVERT 2013 Start – Dark street. Night. Our world. Girl dressed in white coat chasing a white furred dog. Soft music and sounds. Hear footsteps, dogs collar jingling. Her costume keeps changing between scenes. Suits to the theme of the setting. Wonderland – dark forest. Tea party. Unusual dressed characters. M&S products on table. Music picks up. Faster and more upbeat. Scary.
Forest – Ginger bread house. Warm glow. Light from window. Appealing. Dark outside. Snowing. Cold. She’s drawn to it. Music soft again. Dressed in red. Red riding hood. Inside – Lots of lights. Warm. Inviting. Out the cold. Magic carpet – Dark. Peaceful. Magical. Wearing linguine. Man joins her. Wearing a shirt. Aladdin. Music gets faster. Hear the wind. Looking down on the city.
Dark forest. Yellow brick road lights the way. In distance is glowing. Inviting them. Music very load and dramatic. Costumes look like characters from the Wizard of Oz. OZ – bright light. Music replaced by dialogue. Famous celebrity appearance. End – Dark street. Music soft. Happy ending. Catchphrase – Believe in Magic and Sparkle. Now know adverts for M&S.
DIET COKE ADVERT Start – woman on plane. Dark. Quiet. People reading, sleeping, etc. Gets a drink. Now know adverts for diet coke.
Everything changes. Bright. Up beat music. Same passengers but they're dressed different. Dancing. Old theme (1960’s?). More glamorous. Guy smiles at her. Wearing a suit. Sexy. Smart. Plane hits turbulence. Changes back. He now looks scruffy. Not as attractive.
She looks confused. Slogan shown.