Hertford Regional College Moving to Moodle 2.6 New Features for Teachers
Moodle 2 will allow you to drag and drop files straight onto a course page! Drag & Drop
Improved Navigation Getting around the Moodle site is going to be a bit different with Moodle 2. The navigation block allows quick access to various sections of the site and the users profile.
Moodle 2 features a private storage area. This means you can keep your files in your own personal online space until you need them later on. The students also get their own storage areas. Who needs a USB stick now?! Personal Storage Area
The text and HTML editor in Moodle 2 has been completely revamped visually. The new interface is much simpler-looking, and can be collapsed to just show the essential buttons. Improved Text / HTML Editor
In Moodle 2, we can turn on ‘Completion Tracking’ and ‘Activity Completion’ at course level. This means that the student can see their progress through the course in the form of tick boxes. Completion Tracking
Where completion tracking really comes in handy is with conditional activities. This allows you to control access to an activity based on grades, date or completion status of another activity / assignment. This creates potential for an organised, controlled course that will give the students a sense of progression! Conditional Activities
Badges are a way of rewarding good practice and celebrating achievement. We will be able to create custom badges for teachers to award to students for specific achievements! Badges Badges can be earned in various ways, such as: Completing an activity Contributing to a discussion forum Viewing a resource These virtual badges are attached to the achiever’s profile in their own ‘backpack’. The student’s ‘backpack’ can then be used in other websites or institutions such as participating Universities!
Moodle 2.6 features a simpler quiz development process with new and improved question types. The question bank has also seen an overhaul. Improved Quizzes The student experience has also been visually revised and now includes the ability to flag questions to the teacher (due to typos or errors).
Other things to get excited about include: Annotate PDFs in the browser! Allocate assignments to an individual marker! Assignment grades can be withheld until after moderation. Course-specific Blogs Advanced online submission users may be interested in Workshops, the new activity for peer assessment. Other Changes
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