Intertextuality & Star Theory
WALT Learning about Intertextuality and Richard Dyer’s “Star Theory” and how it applies to how women are represented in music videos
Key Term - Intertextuality Intertextuality is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text
Key Term - Intertextuality Intertextuality is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text
Key Term - Intertextuality Intertextuality is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text
Phase 2 - Meet Richard Richard Dyer Proposed “Star Theory”
Star Theory “Star Theory” Stars are not actually people but commodities created to make money from a specifically targeted audience Can you think of any examples?
Dyer vs. Miley? When the star’s demographic ages or changes, they need to make a distinct choice to target this new audience with drastic changes to appearance or their product
Star Theory Pt 3 The star needs to seem both ordinary and extraordinary at the same time What would Dyer think of Taylor Swift and of the You Belong With Me video when compared to another Taylor Swift video? On your own watch Shake It Off and compare it to You Belong With Me. What elements of Intertextuality and Star Theory do you see present
Extension Task/Homework Choose another artist and track how Star Theory applies to him/her/them over the course of their career Can you find an example of intertextuality in any of their videos? What is the example? What meaning is borrowed by the new text from the old text?
Phase 3 - Today’s Video Is… As we watch, make note of the 4 criteria for analysing a music video Also consider how Mulvey would react to the video
PHASE 3 – Is Taylor Swift represented by Star Theory?
Phase 3 What is the message to Taylor Swift’s target audience? Mr. Gooda thinks the message in Taylor Swift’s video is completely hypocritical. ◦ Why? Write a TEA paragraph on how women are represented in “You Belong With Me.”
WILF ALL – accurately explain/describe most common conventions. Accurate terminology applied sometimes. MOST – accurately explain/analyse in detail conventions. Accurate terminology applied consistently. SOME – accurately analyse/evaluate in detail conventions. Accurate and broad terminology applied.
Set your phasers to 4 Partner up with someone who you didn’t work with Compare sheets. Which words did you agree on? Which ones were different? Make a list of disagreements and we’ll talk about them