Presentation Outline Non Financial Performance Information Programme 1.1: Chief Financial Office - Successes - Challenges - Corrective measures - End Presentation to be read in conjunction with pages 40 to 59 of the Annual Report 3
Programme 1.1: Chief Financial Office Purpose To provide strategic and administrative support services to the Ministry and the Department 4
ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES C ustomer Perspective: 1. Drive Transformation Policies: At 97%, Employment Equity exceeded target by 7% 337 HDSA registered in the Database showing an increase of 12% Internal Processes Perspective: 1.Develop and Review Internal Processes: Of the 5 internal processes identified, 13 were reviewed and implemented, exceeding the target by 8 2.Implement Policies and Guidelines: 4 Policies and 4 procedures were developed 12 policies were reviewed, exceeding the target by 2 5
ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES Internal Processes Perspective 3.Drive Innovation: 13 processes were improved 17% cost savings was realised against the target of 5% 4. Implement Effective Systems: 3 Awareness initiatives were introduced 6
ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES Learning and Growth Perspective: 1. Improve Management and Leadership Capabilities: All personal development plans were aligned to the Management requirements 2. Promote Core Values: Of the 6 core values workshop targeted, 7 were conducted All 6 service delivery improvement initiatives planned where implemented 7
ACHIEVEMENTS/SUCCESSES Financial Perspective: 1. Align Budget to Strategy: Spending plans were developed to align budget to strategy 2. Manage Cost effectively: Underspending below threshold was maintained at 0.11% 3.Promote Corporate Governance: All HR Policies were complied with 8
CHALLENGES AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES ChallengesCorrective Measures Internal Processes Perspective: 1. Adherence to Service Level Agreement Develop and implement checklist Monitor performance on monthly basis 2. Adherence to prescribed turnaround time Review and implement Service Catalogue 3. Adherence to turnaround time on filling vacant posts Place adverts within 2 weeks of termination notification 4. Availability of the system and increase in the number ICT related complaints Establish Helpdesk and system for recording and monitoring incidents 9
CHALLENGES AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES ChallengesCorrective Measures Learning & Growth Perspective: 1. % Management completed management courses 4 of the 7 managers who registered for courses completed while 3 will complete during 2011/ Number of 360 degree assessment completed Due to financial constraints the department has reconsidered replacing this measure with the Annual Performance Assessment 3. % identified critical positions security cleared Process already underway to be finalised during 2011/2012 Follow up and close monitoring of progress on vetting processes 10
CHALLENGES AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES ChallengesCorrective Measures Financial Perspective 1. Reduction in irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure Update Departmental Policies and Procedures with new Practice Notes issued by NT Continuous monitoring, identification and reporting of such cases 2. % execution of fraud prevention and ERM implementation plans Update Implementation plan with risks for 2010/2011 and monitor execution thereof 3. Number of repeat findings on internal audit follow up report Develop, implement and monitor action plan to address findings 11
Thank You 12