NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory Execute Tailored Procedures (XTP) Status POIWG – July 2015 Lamar Stacy EO
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 2 POIF Status As of 19 June, POIF has created 49 Execute Tailored Procedures These 49 procedures are associated with activities that originally mapped to 26 crew procedures. Included three sequences of Parts. The majority of the XTP procedures (38) belong to the HRP payloads with many of these falling into a generic category that will be re-used without any further effort. For comparison purposes, SODF has used XTPs for 243 activities and were considered to be “all in” on 6 May. PREP Team Getting more comfortable with the process, but still tweaking it. Expect to submit Payload Operations Handbook SOP for baselining at the end of Increment 44. Trying to do more XTPs as time progresses and workload permits. Also made at least one change after E-3 review – not typical. Experience On one occasion a broken link could not be repaired by the Real-time console team. This was determined the next day by PREP team to be a typo. Corrective action was taken to provide more information to real-time on a daily basis. Crew response has been very positive. It is very difficult to quantify the savings; however, they qualitatively think you save time either by not needing to re-read the Execution Note or by preventing confusion and subsequent calls to the ground.
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 3 Forward Work Currently, POIF is keeping all XTPs within the PODF library. We need to develop a purge strategy to be implemented on a periodic basis. The Operations Interface Procedure should soon be submitted into the Document Change Control System for Baseline review and approval. Added a clear statement that safety actions should not be added as XTP comments. Added a guideline on figure and table references with selected steps. Added section for optional use of XTP to create tailored procedures for Perform procedure references (embedded within a procedure). Information and guidelines relevant to payload procedures will be include in the POH SOP. Open XTP Working Group Actions: Discuss options for incorporating late parameter changes for an XTP activity without driving a full rebuild of the XTP. Determine who is responsible for creating an XTP for partner owned procedures. Address crew request for the Execution Note to contain an indication that the activity has an XTP procedure associated with it. Upcoming Key Dates: September - Face-to-face meeting with developers at the Operations Data File Control Board (ODFCB) Splinter 23 September – 6 Month check-up report to Generic Joint Operations Panel (GJOP)