Hades By Kelsey Lundquest
Who is he? ❏ God of the underworld (Not to be mistaken with the god of death that’s Thanatos) ❏ Brother of Poseidon and Zeus ❏ Son of Cronus and Rhea ❏ Kidnapped Persephone to be his wife and forced her to spend a portion of every year with him in the underworld
Who/how was he worshipped? ❏ Not well liked in Greek mythology. Greeks were not keen on saying his name in fear that one day it will result in death ❏ He was interested in increasing his “subjects”, and anyone who’s deeds resulted in someone’s death were favored by him ❏ Overall not liked at all, but feared by most
What he was known for? ❏ Never really left the underworld and denied any others from leaving ❏ weapon was a pitchfork, much like his brothers trident, that created earthquakes ❏ had a helmet of invisibilty which was given to him as a gift from the cyclopes ❏ Hades is depicted as a stern, cruel, and unwavering ❏ Also called the God of wealth because he possessed precious metals of the earth
Well known Hades’s story How Hades found his wife Hades was shot with one of Zeus’s arrows which had been dipped in Aphrodite’s love potion causing him to fall in love with the first person he saw. This happened to be Persephone. Being in love with her Hades had to have her, so while she was picking flowers Hades opened the earth and abducted her. The only problem was Persephone was the daughter of Demeter, who controlled the seasons, the harvest, and the plants.Once Demeter realized her daughter was missing she began an intense search for her. While this was going on she refused to let the plants grow or the seasons change. Zeus realizing what a huge problem his was asked Hermes to help retrieve Persephone from the underworld. The only condition was that as long as she had not eaten anything there, then she could return unconditionally. However, she had eaten six pomegranate seeds. Some say she ate the seeds intentionally because she had fallen in love with Hades, but others say she ate the seeds unaware of the consequences. EIther way, from there on Persephone had to spend a portion of every year with Hades.
citation “hades”greekmthology.com1997webfeb01 “Hades”greekgodsnadgodesses.net2010webfeb03