By: Hannah Paterson and Nicole Erickson
Diameter and size Diameter= 4,875km About 1/3 of Earth’s diameter Earth= 12, 750km 4, 875km
Gravity.38 gravitational force, Earth= 1 You would weigh 38% of your weight
Distance from the Sun 57.9 million km from the sun Earth= 150 million km
Length of day and year Day=58.6 earth days Year= 88 earth days
Temperature 400˚ Celsius to -185 ˚ Celsius Really hot during day, freezing at night Mercury has a huge temperature change
Surface features Heavily cratered Lots of craters because the atmosphere doesn’t hold them out Terrestrial, made of solid rock
Atmosphere Little or no atmosphere Hydrogen, helium, oxygen
Mythology Named for the god Mercury In Greek, Hermes, the messenger of the gods
Bibliography National earth science. “ Mercury” windows to the universe. NESTA, /1/11 “Mercury”. Universe encyclopedia. American edition print. Smithsonian. “Mercury facts” National air and space museum. 3/1/11. web. Sparrow, Giles. Mercury. Singapore: Heinemann Library, print Sparrow, Giles. Cosmos. London: Quercus Publishing, Print