IRP, Inc. Update 2012 IFTA/IRP Manager’s and Law Enforcement Workshop
IRP, Inc. Update Transition Where we were? Where we are now? What the future holds? “Goal is that the membership does not realize any drop in service”
IRP, Inc. Update Where we were…… A committee within AAMVA 1994 IRP incorporated as a subsidiary of AAMVA Progressed to be Independent in 2011
IRP, Inc. Update Where we were…… AAMVA provided most all services for IRP, Inc. through an administrative services agreement
IRP, Inc. Update Where we are now…… Independent as of October 1, 2011 Still in the process of transitioning
IRP, Inc. Update Where we are now…… Multiple contracts to handle services: Accounting/Financial Network Services Website and Membership Directory IRP Clearinghouse Etc.
IRP, Inc. Update Where we are now…… New Website!! Much Improved Easier to Manage Group Pages took the place of Sharepoint Continuing to Evolve
IRP, Inc. Update New Website On February 28 th, new website and database service launched Transition went well Have received positive comments and helpful feedback and suggestions to use moving forward
New IRP Website Homepage
New IRP Website Still working on: Audit Exchange & Ballot Process The audit exchange contacts are now available on a frequently updated Excel Spreadsheet. Please send your updates to We are currently exploring options for an improved audit exchange and ballot voting process that is compatible with the new website and database. Stay tuned, we hope to have news soon.
IRP, Inc. Update Adopted Updated Strategic Plan IRP Core Purpose To support member jurisdictions and industry with the administration of and compliance with the International Registration Plan, and serve as a voice for members regarding commercial motor vehicle registration issues.
IRP, Inc. Update Adopted Updated Strategic Plan Goals IRP. Inc. will be its members’ indispensable resource for knowledge sharing, education, and full plan compliance. IRP. Inc. will continue to be financially secure. IRP. Inc. will be the authoritative voice for advancing the effective and efficient registration of commercial motor vehicles.
IRP, Inc. Update One of the major objectives in the strategic plan is to build or enhance our Partnerships with other related organizations Joint IRP/IFTA sessions at CVSA IFTA/IRP Managers & Law Enforcement Workshop (September 2012) IRP/IFTA Joint Board Meeting (October 2012) 2013 Audit Workshop (San Antonio, Texas January 2013)
IRP, Inc. Update Committees & Working Groups All very busy as we discussed earlier Many initiatives and special projects Great group of volunteers dedicated to making IRP successful
IRP, Inc. Update IRP Clearinghouse Transitioned Contract with Celtic Systems to host and provide operations and maintenance Everything transitioned smoothly and going well Thank you to the jurisdictions for their efforts and assistance to make the transition a huge success
IRP, Inc. Update Thank you to a very dedicated Board of Directors Thank you to a very dedicated Staff Most of all Thank You to the membership for your understanding and support through this transition!!
QUESTIONS? Comments? Tim Adams (502)