SAFETY In Clinical Laboratories By S.S.Eghbali, MD
Aspects of clinical Laboratory safety Formal safety program Mandated plans e.g CHP, Blood-borne pathogens plan e.t.c. Identification of hazards e.g fire
M.S.D.S (Material Safety Data Sheet) Informs about : Cproperties Physical data Hazardous properties Effects of overexposure & management
Blood-borne pathogen plan Job classification Group I all employees have exposure Group II some employees have exposure Group III Do not have any exposure
U.N classification of hazards ( 1) Explosives ( 2) Compressed gases (3) Flammable liquids (4) Flammable solids (5)Oxidizer materials (6)Toxic materials (7)Radioactive materials (8)Corrosive materials (9)Miscellaneus materials
Types of hazards Biological hazards Chemical hazards Electrical hazards Fire hazards
Biological hazards Roots of exposure Universal precautions Personal protections equipments Re commendations -Never perform mouth pipetting -Do not mix material by bubbling air -Use barrier protection eg.gloves -Wash hands whenever gloves are changed -Dispose of all sharps appropriately -Try to prevent accidental injuries -………
Chemical hazards Proper storage & transportation Labling Pipetting Special care for special materials eg. Perchloric acid & mercury Disposal of non radioactive hazardous wastes
Electical hazards
Fire hazards