Today is Thursday, September 17, 2015 You will need your: ◦ Writing utensil ◦ Planner and ◦ Language Arts journal ◦ SpringBoard book Dress code all good? ◦ Jackets? Take your jackets to lunch for Recess. No access to lockers After eating. Seating chart adjustments?
Please write this learning target in your planner: Learning Target I will preview goals, big ideas and vocabulary for Unit 1. Practice Activities I will read and understand the goals. I will skim scan the contents for a “wow” and a “whoa”. I will make connections to the concept of change. I will evaluate my understanding of the vocabulary. Success Criteria I will be clearer about how change has affected my life. I will be more familiar with the vocabulary.
I will preview goals, big ideas and vocabulary for Unit 1
Turn to page 2. Read the goals for the unit and mark words you are unfamiliar with. Explain to your table partner what you done in previous grades that will help you be successful to meet these goals.
On page two under the “contents” heading, read 1.1 to 1.10 and 1. mark one activity that looks interesting (wow) and 2. one that looks challenging (whoa).
Read the learning targets.
Please read the section “Making Connections” quietly to yourself. What does this paragraph say? (class discussion) In your journals, please answer the Essential Questions. Enter in the table of contents “Essential Questions 1.1” Pair Share your answers with your table partner.
Listen carefully as I pronounce each of the vocabulary words and repeat them.
One way to analyze each vocabulary word is to identify it as either Q, H, or T. Q stands for questions H stands for heard T stands for teach Read “Developing Vocabulary” Turn back to page 2 and label each term Q, H, or T as I read through the list again.
Turn your journals backward and upside down. and draw a three-column chart. worddefinitionDrawing paraphraseTo restate in one’s own words“what I said was…….”
Learning Target I understand the goals, big ideas and vocabulary for Unit 1 Homework None Exit Task On a half sheet of paper write the one goal of the five on page 2 you are most excited about reaching.