To EMC Water Quality Committee September 10, 2013 Rich Gannon DWR Nonpoint Source Planning Branch
History of Existing Development Stormwater Included in 2009 Jordan, 2011 Falls nutrient rules New requirement on local governments, state/fed’s Jordan SL created Nutrient SAB Model local program to EMC July 2013 EMC returned model to staff: Expand ‘toolbox’ of practices Trading framework Accounting for septic systems
Status of Model Program Toolbox of Practices j project –> science on 7 measures NPS staff now developing practice standards, crediting First 3 just released for public comment: Discharging Sand Filter Remediation Disconnected Impervious Improved Street Sweeping Program Plan to finalize all 7 by early Others: Malfunctioning Septic Systems Program Stormwater Pond Retrofits Stream Restoration Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance
Status of Model Program (cont’d) Toolbox of Practices (cont’d) UNRBA Credits Project ‘Full sweep’ potential practices Credit/standards development most promising Launched March 2014; ~ 2 yrs. EPA Technical Assistance Few practices, coordinated with UNRBA coverage Septic Accounting – developing via 205j work Trading Framework
Measures Approval Framework NSAB - need clear, expedient approval path - credit less-tested BMPs, foster innovation Draft Framework Approval elements – design, credit method, confidence tier Confidence evaluation factors Review steps Relationship to other regulations
Measures Approval Framework (cont’d) Sought public comment July commenters Constructive issues raised Divided on keeping tiers Revising for final release
Model Program Completion Sept 2014Final Measures Approval Framework Spring 2015Credit, standards 7 205j measures Sum 2015Credit, standards EPA measures Fall 2015-Spr 2016 Draft credit, standards UNRBA BMPs 2015Septic accounting 2015 – 2016Trading framework Fall 2016Model Program to EMC for approval
Questions? Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance Components Illustration courtesy of NCSU BAE Nutrient Strategies NSAB: