Department meeting 11 June 2009 Welcome!
Department meeting 11 June 2009Dias 2 Agenda Welcome (HoD) A new research group “Management” By Jakob Lauring & Mona Toft Madsen, MAN – Staff news – Department news (HoD)
Department meeting 11 June 2009Dias 3 ASB Strategy Latest update (cf. morning meeting): From ‘one of the world’s best business schools’ to ‘a leading international business school’ growth, innovation and sustainability – broader interpretation importance of employees stressed + a project organisation around the above themes
Department meeting 11 June 2009Dias 4 ASB Supplement to the general incentive structure New requirements Assistant professors: + PhD from a recognized university Associate professors: 3 research articles in high-quality outlets (must be ’accepted’, but no single authorship required) +dissimination activities Professors: New explicit requirements, including teaching management and coordination Associate professors and professors: More explicit requirements related to teaching
Department meeting 11 June 2009Dias 5 Department News LIBRI-meeting at ASB, May 2010: −”Language policies and language practices in business” New employees from july … Notice board + cabinet with the latest publications in the entrance hall −Cf. development of publication performance, separate slide
Department meeting 11 June 2009Dias 6 And now …. We meet outside our building where the bus will take us to Pøt Mølle 15.00Coffee 16.00The bus takes us from Pøt Mølle back to ASB