The Murder of Junko Furuta
On the night of November , a 16 year old girl named Junko Futura was abducted by four high school boys while walking alone after work.
She was taken to a vacation home that was owned by one of the suspects. Although the parents of one of the suspects knew what was going on, they still didn’t bother to get help from the police to try to save Junko.
Junko was tortured, raped, and was forced to call her parents to tell them that she ran away and was staying at a friend’s house.
After 44 days of torture, Junko finally gave up and died. They later then put her in a 55-gallon drum filled with cement and was disposed at a reclaimed land by the suspects.
The suspects were later then arrested and were sentenced to 4, 7-8, and 20 years in prison. However, none of them got the life imprisonment they deserved.
The news spread and people were threatened because tragedy of Junko Furuta can not only happen in Japan, but it can happen anywhere, and to anyone. The news spread and people were threatened because tragedy of Junko Furuta can not only happen in Japan, but it can happen anywhere, and to anyone. The news spread and people were threatened because tragedy of Junko Furuta can not only happen in Japan, but it can happen anywhere, and to anyone.
care of alert as ible. To prevent this from happening, let’s take care of ourselves and be alert as much as possible.