Food 음식 Review 리뷰
Food 음식 Review 리뷰
Fruit 과일 Objectives A( 답변 ) Q( 문제 ) SWBAT: Ask/Answer Say Write
Student Book A (24) Activity Book A (24)
Answers Activity Book A (24) 2.peach 4.banana
Student Book B (24) Activity Book B (24)
Student Book C (25) Activity Book C (25)
Answers 1.Does he have bananas? Yes, he does. 2. Does he have oranges? No, he doesn’t. 3. Does she have oranges? Yes, she does. 4. Does she have peaches? No, she doesn’t. 5. Do you have apples? Yes, I do. 6. Do you have oranges? No, I don’t. Activity Book C (25)
Go Fish -Pick 4 cards. -Ask your friends “Do you have ____.” -Friends answer “Yes, I do.” or “No, I don’t.” -If they answer yes, they must give you the card. -If they answer no, you pick one from the pile. -When you get a 3-pair, put it down 1 point Game Time 게임 시간 Apples Bananas Oranges Peaches Salad French Fries Steak Spaghetti Soup Eggs
Review 리뷰