未来的路 China’s Future
未来的路 China will probably surpass Japan and become the second economy in near future: China’s car market will probably surpass America and become the largest one in the world within 10 years; China is westernizing now and will probably keep westernizing in the future;
未来的路 Different people have very different opinions; 有人说, 中国 will become the next super power; 有人说, 中国 will remain a developing country for another 一百年 ;
未来的路 A problem that we can be almost sure China will face in the future is aging of population. c.at/Research/LUC/ChinaFood/images/anim/ch_all2.gif&im grefurl= ta/anim/pop_ani.htm&usg=__srlJheg8u4NaMPPckgE6mpo mxkc=&h=404&w=399&sz=47&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbni d=Srq9MBAPn_B5dM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=122&prev=/image s%3Fq%3DChina%2Baging%2Bof%2Bpopulation%26hl% 3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 (animated population pyramid)
未来的路 Discussion: What do you think of China’s future?