F. Peauger19th June 2008 - #3-CTF3 Committee1 CALIFES STATUS CA.BHB 0400CA.SNH 0110CA.SNI 0120 CA.VVS 0100 CA.DHG/DVG 0130 CA.VVS 0200 CA.MTV 0215 CA.BPM.


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Presentation transcript:

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee1 CALIFES STATUS CA.BHB 0400CA.SNH 0110CA.SNI 0120 CA.VVS 0100 CA.DHG/DVG 0130 CA.VVS 0200 CA.MTV 0215 CA.BPM 0220 CA.DHG/DVG 0225CA.SNG 0230CA.SNG 0250 CA.BPM 0240 CA.BPM 0260 CA.BPM 0310 CA.BPM 0380 CA.DHG/DVG 0245CA.DHG/DVG 0265CA.DHG/DVG 0320CA.DHG/DVG 0385CA.DHB/DVB 0270 CA.ICT 0210 CA.VVS 0300 CA.QFD 0350CA.QFD 0360CA.QDD 0355 CA.BPR 0370 CA.BPM 0410 CA.MTV 0390 CA.MTV 0420 CA.VVS 0500 CA.SDH 0340 CA.DHB/DVB 0230CA.DHB/DVB 0250 ACS 0230ACS 0250ACS 0270 DUM 0450 TBTS ITL CA.MTV 0125 (virtual cathode) CA.FCU 0430 F. Peauger on behalf of F. Orsini and the Saclay’s team 1- Alignment 2- Video Profile Monitor (MTV) 3- Laser system 4- RF power phase shifter

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee2 CALIFES STATUS: Mechanics/Alignment Work done on week 21 End of linac alignement: new set of measurements  confirmation of problem on parameters of LIL section ACS0230 and on values of MTV 0420 (Dump), and ICT component was missing (all other components parameters are OK) correction of vertical position of ACS0230 correction of position for MTV0420 (an error of dimensioning of the square is at the origin of the mechanical problem. The position was rectified) Adjustment of correctors position on all supports (CA.DHG/DVG130-…-0385) We noticed an important difference of level between accelerating section ACS0230 and the elements upstream and downstream  a checking of level between the beam axis and the sphere highlighted a difference of more than 1.5 mm between the measured value and the value used like parameter. The position of ACS0230 was corrected in consequence. CALIFES is now aligned Mechanics : Installation of the mirror in the laser chamber near the RF Gun  OK Cabling: - connections of CA.DHB/DVB0230 to be finished (CERN)

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee3 CALIFES STATUS: Diagnostics MTVs (1/2) Work done on week 21 CA.MTV0390 (2nd) is tuned optically Motorization of screen, wheel with filters and retractable lenses works locally, The interfacing is in progress (CCD box in installation by Francis, discussion on the C/C with Stephan Burger), An additional interface device will be necessary for the wheel with filters and lenses. Camera, lighting and motorization of screen are directly interfacable with CCD box. CA.MTV0420 (3rd) is also tuned optically Incline the CCD improves the depth of field clearly CCD perpendiculaire CCD tilt by 10.5°

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee4 CALIFES STATUS: Diagnostics VPMs (2/2) Work done on week 21 An image processing seems necessary to correct the variation of the magnification, The motorized diaphragm works locally but an adaptation will be necessary with CCD box (different voltages), The upper light shielding has also to be built, The radiation shielding have to be foreseen (support for Pb bricks). Evolution of the magnification versus the position on the screen CA.MTV0215 (1st) is in a close status as the CA.MTV0420 (3rd), but no tilt of the installed CCD camera (no critical specifications)

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee5 CALIFES STATUS: Laser system (1/3) Work done on week : Frequency conversion: by measurement on KTP (crystal) with only Amp1 at low power, we confirmed that with no (or little) “interpulse background”, the conversion efficiency (IR to green) is nearly what is expected with SNLO software simulation (the green beam diameter was probably between 120 and 150µm). SNLO simulation can only take into account a M²=1 beam; increase of M² doesn’t affect so much the KTP result because of high acceptance angle; but it should affect the BBO result due to low acceptance angle coming from high walk off. That is probably the reason of the difference between the simulation and the experiment on that crystal. ~30 nJ/pulse Best result in term of UV energy is ~30 nJ/pulse (before transportation), with Amp2 Off and Amp1 at 65A, with IR energy ~ 0.4 µJ  green energy ~ 0.2µJ (efficiency 45% to 50%)  UV energy: ~30 nJ (efficiency ~15%). With 25% loss expected in Pulse Picker and 25% loss in transport:  ~15 nJ on the photocathode

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee6 CALIFES STATUS: Laser system (2/3) Transport and alignment: The 4 lenses of the transport “under the roof” and the UV mirrors have been installed UV Beam path on the PI table is aligned down to the photocathode for the first time ! (the exact photocathode was in operating position). The scan on a disk of more than 15mm diameter on photocathode plan is possible horizontally and vertically, with mirror on New focus mount. UV beam on photocathode UV beam passing through the preparation chamber, and materialized on the CLEX wall Temporal window of 2µs (much more than nominal), thus 3000 shootings of ~ 5nJ (instead of 30 nJ !!

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee7 CALIFES STATUS: Laser system (3/3) Work planned on week 25 : (only 1 day CLEX closed for UV beam ?) Try to re-obtain 30nJ Check of the camera with the phosphorous plate in the laser room, with the equivalent power than will be available on the virtual cathode ; check again the UV image, Install the final line in the laser room first without and then with it, If possible: install the pulse picker During the time available for UV laser in Clex (could be for one full day?): Re-adjust the alignment, Check the image with the camera on the virtual cathode plane, Check of the output of the photodiode (+”integrateur-bloqueur”) ; the synchronisation signal has to be checked before, it has to arrive roughly at the same time than the laser macropulse.

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee8 CALIFES STATUS: RF System

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee9 CALIFES STATUS: Phase Shifter (1/4) Work done on weeks 20->25 : High power vacuum phase shifter: Drawings modifications of mode converters following the brazing test done on prototype (April 2008): many iterations between CEA, the machining company and the brazing company The machining supplier who was responsible for the whole process in the initial order admitted that he will not be able to manage the chemical and brazing operations for the fabrication of the two final mode converters The machining company has already spent 1.5 times his initial budget and has ~1 year delay… Redefinition of the initial contract has to be done : CEA would manage directly the brazing company Negotiation for the reduction of the initial contract price New order to be generated with the brazing company who have already produced the mode converter prototype

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee10 CALIFES STATUS: Phase Shifter (2/4) Work done on week 24 : Alternative solution in case of additional delay: Two high power phase shifters are available at CEA now. They come from the ALS (Accelerateur Lineaire de Saclay), stopped in 90’s Worked at GHz, 3 MW, 10 µs, 500 Hz, under SF6 at 1 bar (absolute pressure, air pumped) Made of a quartz rod inserted into a 90° H-bend. The rod translate manually by a worm drive.

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee11 CALIFES STATUS: Phase Shifter (3/4) Work done on week 24 : Low level RF measurements S12 amplitude (dB) Frequency (Hz) S11 amplitude (dB) S12 Phase (dB) 82.7 degrees in 104 turns 0.79 degrees per turn Transmission > 0.16 dB Reflexion < -20 dB

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee12 E surf max = MW CALIFES STATUS: Phase Shifter (4/4) E surf (45MW klystron output)~ MV/m in SF6 at 4 bars This solution would require two RF windows, additional waveguides and mechanical supports

F. Peauger19th June #3-CTF3 Committee13 CALIFES STATUS: Conclusion Final alignment of the linac OK MTVs (Video Profile Monitors) tuned optically, good results with CCD tilted, motorization OK, electrical adaptation and Control Command tasks to plan First transport of the UV laser beam down to the photocathode, energy still too low Redefinition of the initial contract for the circular phase shifter : CEA would manage directly the brazing company. Alternative solution proposed