How to Combine Items of Separate Bibliographic Records Version 16 and up Yoel Kortick
Transferring Items 2 Introduction It is possible in ALEPH to combine the items of two (or more) separate bibliographic records. This is often, but not exclusively, done when it is discovered that there are duplicate bibliographic records catalogued in the library. The library may wish to combine all items into one bibliographic record and then delete the other bibliographic record.
Transferring Items 3 Scenario In our case we have two identical bibliographic records: system numbers and System number has one item: barcode in sub library “Library Science Library”. System number has two items: barcodes and Both items are in sub library “Information Science Library”. We will combine all items to be under system number
Transferring Items 4 Two Duplicate Records Two duplicate records, each with items
Transferring Items 5 Two Duplicate Records Two duplicate records, each with items
Transferring Items 6 Items in One item for Bibliographic record , connected to Administrative record One item in Library Science Library (sub library)
Transferring Items 7 Items in Two items for Bibliographic record , connected to Administrative record Two items in Information Science Library (sub library)
Transferring Items 8 Split Editor Mode Choose “Split Editor Mode” in cataloging Module
Transferring Items 9 Opening Two ADM Records Open each Administrative record. This may be done by: 1.Connecting to the Administrative Library (Menu ALEPH > Connect To”) and then opening system number of Administrative Library by entering it into the record bar. 2.Double clicking the Administrative record next to the Administrative Library in the lower section of the navigation Pane.
Transferring Items 10 Opening Two ADM Records Double click here on both Administrative records so that both will be open in Split Editor Mode
Transferring Items 11 Opening Two ADM Records When both Administrative records are open click “Overview Tree”
Transferring Items 12 Transferring Items You will then be able to view many aspects of the record. Click the “+” next to the Administrative Library and the Items to view the items
Transferring Items 13 Transferring Items We will now take the two items from record and combine them with the items in record , such that all will be with record
Transferring Items 14 Transferring Items Select a barcode from the left pane and drag to the right pane with your mouse. You will be asked if you are sure you want to move the TREE item. Answer “yes”. Do for both items.
Transferring Items 15 Transferring Items You will be notified that the item has been moved successfully.
Transferring Items 16 Items Transferred Now record 248 has all three items
Transferring Items 17 Items Transferred And record has no items
Transferring Items 18 Delete BIB Record with no items Record may then be deleted Note: Before deleting a bibliographic record you must first delete the Administrative record