Warm-Up October 5, 2011
Annotating your passage… Underline important terms. Circle definitions and meanings. Write key words and definitions in the margin. Signal where important information can be found with key words or symbols in the margin. Write short summaries in the margin at the end of sub-units…i.e., each paragraph… Write the questions in the margin next to the section where the answer is found. Indicate steps in a process by using numbers in the margin. Double underline where to go in the passage.
Annotating your passage…
Annotating your passage I’m going to give you a passage and you need to annotate your passage for this weeks testing strategy. The passage should be fully annotated utilizing the information given to you from today’s notes.
Mini-Lesson #5G Story Elements 5.01 Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive literacy program by: reading self-selected literature and other materials of individual interest. analyzing the effects of such elements as plot, theme, point of view, characterization, mood, and style Study the characteristics of literary genres (fiction, nonfiction).
Create ?’sMy Notes…
Story Elements ~ Theme The theme is a broad idea, message, or moral of a story. The message may be about life, society, or human nature. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and are almost always implied rather than stated explicitly. [ [
Story Elements ~ Tone/Mood ToneMood the writer's attitude toward the material and/or readers. It is evident in they're diction, style, and opinion if they expressed. Mood is the atmosphere created by the setting, and actions of people and characters in it. It also relates to how the reader emotionally responds to these elements like sadness for a tragedy.
Mini-Lesson #6 Argumentative Essay 3.02 Explore and analyze the problem-solution process by: studying problems and solutions within various texts and situations. constructing essays/presentations that respond to a given problem by proposing a solution that includes relevant details Study and create arguments that evaluate by: understanding the importance of establishing a firm judgment. justifying the judgment with logical, relevant reasons, clear examples, and supporting details.
See Describe State Claim
Base your claim off your evidence and what is in your heart…why is it important?
At least 5 Pros Cons
Base your claim off your evidence and what is in your heart…why is it important? Facts…Things that can be proven through research Antedotes …short stories about your topic Statistics… #’s… 5 out of 10, 25%, 135 people… Examples… specific instances of your topic
List your strongest con (-) then refut…show why it doesn’t matter and try to persuade audience to agree with your….to act!
Walk around with your essay Cheat Sheet Topics
Summarize What I learned today…
Think – Pair - Share Compare notes with the person next to you. Make sure that you have all the information that you need. You have approximately 2 minutes…
Independent Practice ~ Theme Chart Evidence from text pg. # w/Quote Suggested theme…Message about life…
Independent Practice ~ Mood Chart Mood Figurative Language Setting Choice of Words Scenery
Independent practice ~ Tone Chart Evidence from text pg. # w/Quote What attitude does this reflect from the author?
Guided Practice ~ part II Writing Workshop Draft #2 ~ Topic #1 Research Group Finish Research Reading Workshop Finish Reading to pg Complete a full Reading Reflection Complete Vocabulary Logs. Student/Teacher Conference Work on the items listed under HOMEWORK on the board… until I am able to meet with you. with you.