HALITO (HELLO) Member of Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians from Conehatta, Mississippi Haskell Indian Nation University Fall 2011 with Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts Fall 2013 with Bachelors of Arts in Indigenous and American Indian Studies Spring 2012 was Selected to be interview with Lawrence Magazine Fluent speaker in Choctaw Traditional Family
MIKE STEWART Member of Choctaw Nation in Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology PH.D (ABD) in Adult & Higher Education University of Kansas Master in Indigenous Nations Studies Haskell Indian Nation University Indigenous and American Indian Studies Department Choctaw Language
WHY Study and Research Choctaw Language History Choctaw History Who is Cryus Byington What the different between Oklahoma and Mississippi Choctaw Use this internship to help people understand Why Language is important History of Language Dialects Vowels Spelling Writing
GOALS What the different between Oklahoma and Mississippi dialect Learn Language History Choctaw History Write in Choctaw Educate Family and Friends People and Children Keep the Language ALIVE
PROCESS Can write in Choctaw Learn more words Sing from the Choctaw Hymns Read Who and what Cyrus Byington did for the Choctaw people How much the vowels had change over the centuries Why Cryus Byington started translated Choctaw into English Gain Respects from elder in Mississippi
EXPERIENCES Fun Met new people Gain Learning about the history of both: Mississippi and Oklahoma Talking to Elders and understanding why they kept pushing the young generation to speak and learn the language