The Odyssey. THEME: __________________________________________________ ___________ Main Sub- topics Details Never give up (Ancient Greece Introductory.


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Presentation transcript:

The Odyssey

THEME: __________________________________________________ ___________ Main Sub- topics Details Never give up (Ancient Greece Introductory Information: Tree Map) History of Ancient Greece Greek Mythology HomerTrojan War

____________________ __________________ Odysseus: Penelope(Odysseus’s wife) Laertas(Odysseus’s father) Telemarchus(Odysseus’s son Zeus( king of gods) Poseidon( god of the seas) Alcinous( king of Phaeacians, to whom Odysseus tells his story) Circe( enchantress who helped Odysseus) Calypso( sea goddess who loved Odysseus) Polyphemus (Cyclopes who imprisoned Odysseus) List of Major Characters (Brace Map)

Homer The Preface (Bubble Map)

Beginning of the chapter: What happens at the start of the chapter? Middle of the chapter: What happens in the middle of the chapter? End of Chapter; What happens in the last part of the chapter?. Sailing from Troy (Flow Map)

Title of Section: “The Cyclops” Quote: Question/Answer:

Title of Section: “The Lotus Eaters” Quote: Question/Answer:

Title of Section: “The Land of the Dead” Quote: Question/Answer:

Title of this Section: “Scylla and Charybdis” Quote: Question/Answer:

The Cattle of the Sun God: Beginning of the Chapter: What happens at the start of the Chapter? Middle of the Chapter: What happens in the middle of the chapter? End of Chapter: What happens in the last part of the chapter?

The Return Home: Beginning of the chapter: What happens at the start of the chapter? -Odysseus finally arrives home to Ithica. Middle of Chapter: What happens in the middle of the chapter? - Odysseus and his son start to come up with a plan to kill the enemies. End of Chapter: What happens in the last part of the chapter? - Odysseus tells his son what he must do.

Causes MAJOR EVENT Results The Revenge of Odysseus: Odysseus is acting upon his revenge on the enemies who tried to take over Ithica..

Odysseus What good qualities does the character have? What negative qualities does the character have? What adjectives would you use to describe this character? Title of the story: The Odyssey Opinion about character: One fact about Odysseus: Visual Character Analysis of Odysseus:

“Sailing from Troy” “The Lotus Eaters” The Odyssey as an Allegory for life: