Understanding Fractions
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Big Idea Ultimately we need to have a sense of how much a thing is. Thus how do we give meaning to ‘value’? The answer to this question enhances our interaction with the world around us. To give meaning to ‘value’ we must use the skill of comparing
Working ON Fractions from the same size Whole Size of Equal Part Number of equal Parts Density of Fractions
Principles for Comparing Fractions We are learning …. that fractions can be compared only if the whole is known in each case.
Principles for Comparing Fractions
Interactive Consolidation Using CLIPS / GSP
CLIPS Choose Activity 3 – Comparing Simple Fractions Then 3.6 -
CLIPS Choose Activity 4 – Forming Equivalent Fractions by Splitting or Merging Parts Then 4.4
Co-Design Success Criteria
Exit Ticket Randomly create two fractions that are less than one by using number cubes. Record the two fractions then state the best strategy to use to compare your fractions for example: same numerators, same denominators, benchmark for example zero, one-half and one. Justify your choice.