Use of Symbols Gestures Voice Output Devices – low and high tech Sign language Visuals – Picture Exchange Words Sentences
Older/Verbal Students with Autism Visual supports – pictures or written words to give choices of what to say Many children with autism learn to read before they speak; the visual channel is much stronger than the auditory Language delay Social stories and written reminders to give guidance of what to say and do
Shaping Speech into Communication Echolalia Delayed echolalia – scripts from TV or movies Chunking – saying phrase as one word Teach imitation by using songs, routines Student must be highly motivated to make the effort to communicate, because this does not come naturally to them.
Younger or Non-verbal Students Push a button on a voice output device to communicate; make sure there is an icon on the switch Sign or gesture Picture exchange to teach spontaneous communication Teach student to imitate motor movements and vocal, verbal can then be taught
Activities to Encourage Spontaneous Communication Use toys of high interest Routines Photographs might work better than line drawings at first Sign language – usually the student has a difficult time imitating, but it is good to start with simple signs for more, I want ___
Asperger’s Syndrome Unlike students with autism, students with Asperger’s do not have delayed language Their communication may have a flat intonation Pragmatics, social use of language, is impaired Cannot read facial expressions or social situations
Teach them “rules” of conversation, which are: getting peer’s attention beginning a conversation topic maintenance over several turns commenting or asking a question about communicative partner’s statements closing conversation appropriately