Slide 1DSS February 2015 Eurostat Future of the European Health Interview Survey Agenda point 3.3 DSS Meeting February 2015
Slide 2DSS February 2015 Background Health statistics Policy needs stemming from different initiatives, including Europe strands in EU health statistics: -Health status and determinants (incl. EHIS) -Health care -Causes of death -Accidents at work -Occupational diseases Which future for EHIS?
Slide 3DSS February 2015 Development of EHIS proposal Short history of EHIS Already agreement by DSS in 2002 !!! 1 st wave in (17 MS) 2 nd wave in (all MS) Reduction of variables from 207 to 115 Eurostat initial proposals DSS in 2013: 5 proposals (SILC module, GALI, EHIS, EHSIS) DSS in 2014: future of disability statistics, decision in 2015
Slide 4DSS February 2015 Third wave of EHIS To be organised around 2019: not under IESS Implementing regulation by May 2017 WG Public Health agreed to set up a TF for the development of EHIS 3 Inclusion of a disability module Fieldwork in 2019 with no/limited flexibility For:21 Some flexibility: 3 "Full" flexibility: 3
Slide 5DSS February 2015 EHIS in IESS (1) Periodicity set to 6 years Link with SILC: annual variables and 3y-module (pooling, matching, calibration) -> If 6 years synchronicity with SILC Module Overall stability of the burden but considering more flexibility Better integration with national health interview surveys 17 MS (6 years), 12 (5 years), 5 (4 years) Broad list of topics Too early to decide However major issue with disability
Slide 6DSS February 2015 EHIS in IESS (2) Precision requirements GALI as the critical variable for 15+ Precision of severe limitation: +/- 1 pp, +/- 0.5 in big MS Overall reduction in sample size Comments from 9 MS (e.g. oversampling) Data transmission Improve overall timeliness Data transmission: end of FW + 9 months Metadata transmission: end of FW + 11 months For: 23 MS Against: 4
Slide 7DSS February 2015 The DSS is invited to Comment and express their opinion on the proposals: Periodicity of 6 years; EHIS and the 3yearly SILC health module are synchronised every 6. Take note / confirm the proposals: Estimation of precision requirements ; Transmission deadlines; Addressing disability in the future EHIS.