Natura 2000 Seminars Boreal Seminar Actions and Recommendations
Actions and Recommendations l Actions/ actors/ timescales l Other issues l Network
IssuesActions/actorsTimescales Forestry Exchange of good practice/ knowledge Networking between MS and stakeholoders (on Finnish model). Nominate focal points – to Kaisa Junninen Restoration grand tour FINNISH Now Autumn Internal/ External Stakeholder Communication Communicate – ALL Note: Cross-cutting Now
IssuesActions/actorsTimescales Freshwater Catchment approach to conservation and management None Ecological functionality related to hydropower English translation of fish migration strategy FINLAND Exchange results of permit study SWEDEN Seminar of eco- energy labelling FANC FINLAND Share national list of relevant projects ALL Discussion needed with Min of For None Spring 2013 None
IssuesActions/actorsTimescales Wetlands MS Strategies on wetland restoration Sharing experience between MS NONE Workshop ESTONIA Workshop for LIFE+ project proposal EST?FIN?SWE + explore comms opps Use existing WS to begin experience sharing LATVIA/ SWEDEN Circ publications ALL Now on May-June 2013 Autumn 2012 Submit 2013 July August 2012 Now Buffer zonesSeminar ESS + PES WS FINLAND
IssuesActions/actorsTimescales Grassland CAPSeminar about MS implementation SWEDEN Message SWEDEN Experience sharing End 2012 Now None Conservation objectives Seminar common issues SWEDEN (NGO Seminar) LITH Seminar local objectives+ management planning process SWEDEN Late 2012 Autumn 2012 None
IssuesActions/actorsTimescales Grassland FCSWShops good practice x2 ESTONIA/FINLAND (LIFE projects) None Alternative managemnt Seminar + branding FINLAND 2013
Actions and Recommendations l Actions/ actors/ timescales l Other issues l Network l Seminar document
Other issues from discussion l Stakeholder communication l Transference of ideas (e.g. ESS +PES) and synergies to other working groups (Contractor to identify possibilities when drafting document) l Must look at practical issues (dont cut across ’high’ level groups – e.g. FCS, etc but can provide helpful commentary) l Make links to other NBP’s e.g. Atlantic, encourage two way communication l Translation of national habitat definitions into English (Grasslands). Could go into the Background Document as part of updating – also continue to keep the document alive l Calendar l Help in explaining funding opportunities and sources – EC+Contactors
Actions and Recommendations l Actions/ actors/ timescales l Other issues l Network l Seminar document
Network Communication platform –ECNC – then who? 3 models in combination l National habitat node (Issue Driven – working examples) l Life + [Clear Action] l Node organisations (Project partner, issue driven, constant source, existing organisation) l Forests in development l Existing habitat networks + experts (fighting to be ‘nodes’)
Network Communication platform –Contractor Proposal: –Contractor: gather lists of country experts (cf Atlantic) –Request details of current interests, network membership, etc –Establish willingness to ‘enagage’ –Provide ‘Expert Directory’ (?Annex to Background Document) –Link to ad-hoc expert meeting(s) –?Establish Country habitat nodes?
Actions and Recommendations l Actions/ actors/ timescales l Other issues l Network l Seminar Document
Seminar Document: Additional thoughts l How should we use it? Including the background document – promote this in MS ’when we go home’. l Acknowledge the work that has gone into it. l Use it more widely? Yes, will be used as widely as possible. l On CIRCA/CIRACBC (yes) l It is a pilot. l Need to promte ’first results’
Actions and Recommendations l Actions/ actors/ timescales l Other issues l Network l Seminar Document
Actions and Recommendations l Actions/ actors/ timescales l Other issues l What shall we call it? l Modus operandi l Timescales
More from planarydiscussion l How does it contribute to 2020 Strategy? l What am I going to say to minister when I get home? l Aichi targets are no small undertaking l Stronger and wiser for sharing expertise l Small is beautiful and we have start with concrete actions l This is the start not the end – targets specific habitats. l Things are happening anyway – this is about added value l Lets learn and improve the process l All agree about importance of networking l Lets link it to more political commitment at the biogeographic level