PDHPE IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Rationale of why PDHPE is vitally important!
What does it mean? PDHPE stands for Personal Development, Health and Physical Education! PDHPE is one of the six key learning areas covered in the K-6 Syllabus. It plays an important role in the development of understanding vital issue such as….
Healthy Eating Habits! It helps promote healthy eating habits which reduce the chances of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and many other negative outcomes. It outlines different food groups and defines healthy eating habits.
Exercise! It promotes the importance of daily exercise. It allows 2 hours per week of physical exercise AT school. Games and sport use vital skills such as teamwork, decision making, communicating, growth and development etc.
Wellbeing! PDHPE places emphasis on an individual’s wellbeing by teaching issues such as … Healthy habits Development issues Safe practices
Understanding PDHPE helps children understand themselves better as well as helping them understand their peers. PDHPE encourages acceptance AND learning across all genders and cultures. WELLBEING ON MANY LEVELS!