4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R Hyperspectral Applications for Aviation Advanced Satellite Aviation-weather Products (ASAP) Wayne F. Feltz and CIMSS 4th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI GIFTS and GOES-R UW-CIMSS, NASA, NCAR, FAA, and U of Alabama-Huntsville
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R Overview What is ASAP?? Program science components Satellite Product Overview/Validation Future satellite product aviation applications
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R Advanced Satellite Aviation- weather Products (ASAP): Primary Goal: Develop and Provide High Resolution (Temporally and Spatially) Weather Products in Near Real-time to Improve Avaition Safety Who: A Collaborative Research Venture between NASA & FAA, NCAR, SSEC/CIMSS, & U-Alabama Huntsville How: Develop applications to support detection of aviation hazards (visibility, turbulence, volcanic ash, convection, etc) using current and future satellite based instrumentation -> FAA PDT’s
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R Who’s involved with ASAP at CIMSS? Wayne Feltz (CIMSS Lead): Cloud products, data management product integration, validation efforts Kristopher Bedka: Convection, winds, clouds, other Sarah Thomas: Cloud properties, cloud products Mike Pavolonis: Cloud properties Ben Howell, Tom Whittaker: Programming and scientific data support Steve Ackerman, Tim Schmit: Volcanic ash Chris Schmidt: Ozone for turbulence Tony Wimmers: Turbulence research Students: Nate Uhlenbrock, Mike Richards
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R What NCAR Product Development Teams might Benefit from Satellite Data? The Product Development Teams (PDT)s are: In-Flight Icing Aviation Forecasts Quality Assessment Turbulence Winter Weather Research Convective Weather National Ceiling and Visibility NEXRAD Enhancements Juneau Terrain-Induced Turbulence Model Development and Enhancement Oceanic Weather
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R The Product Development Teams (PDT)s are: In-Flight Icing Aviation Forecasts Quality Assessment Turbulence Winter Weather Research Convective Weather National Ceiling and Visibility NEXRAD Enhancements Juneau Terrain-Induced Turbulence Model Development and Enhancement Oceanic Weather What NCAR Product Development Teams might Benefit from Satellite Data?
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R What Meteorological Problems can Satellite Information Be Useful in Solving? Clouds Visibility Turbulence & Stability Moist Convection Icing & Winter Weather Over-Ocean Weather Improved Prediction through Satellite Data Assimilation How can this information be most appropriately used at NCAR? Use within Expert Systems that forecast and nowcast particular weather Use in conjunction with numerical weather prediction systems Use within diagnostic programs Satellites can provide information on:
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R CIMSS ASAP SCIENCE Satellite Retrieval Applications for Aviation Cloud Properties Winds Convective Weather (Kris Bedka next presentation) Volcanic Ash Turbulence Oceanic Weather (all science above is needed)
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R Cloud Detection & Quantification GOES, GIFTS, GOES-ABI, and GOES-HES can be used in significant ways to address issues of cloud detection The quantification of cloud types, location and amounts can be employed in a number of aviation-relevant problems: – ceiling determination – cloud top locations – cloud layers evaluations – rapid cloud growth accompanying convective initiation – identification of fog, haze & smoke Identification of the inversions that cloud occupy/form near are important for turbulence and stability detection
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R CONUS Cloud Top Pressure GOES Sounder Hourly 10km CONUS GOES-12 Imager 4km 30 minute Eastern U.S GOES cloud heights/mask needed by Ceiling- Visibility PDT Fog? Stratus?
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R VALIDATION
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R CLOUD PHASE LIDAR (BLACK) GOES IMAGER CLOUD TOP ALTITUDE ESTIMATE (RED) - 4 km spatial resolution - Nominally 15 minute temporal resolution
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R MODIS 1km Cloud Properties SSEC Direct Broadcast 1km MODIS Cloud phase (B. Baum and G. McGarragh) may be important to Icing and C/V PDT, disadvantage ~6 hourly resolution Ice Overlap Mixed-Uncertain Water
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R GLOBAL WINDS GOES derived winds interpolated to standard aviation heights
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R CONVECTION GOES, GIFTS, GOES-ABI, and GOES-ABS can be used to assess mesoscale regions of convective cloud development Quantification of convective clouds: – convective initiation; regions where this is or is not possible – convective cloud growth & growth rates – areas of rapid thunderstorm growth – boundary-layer turbulence Simple models (Lagrangian) may be used to aid in nowcasting convection and its initiation in the 0-2 h, and 2-6 h time frames
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R UW-CIMSS Satellite Convective Storm Nowcasting GOES-12 1 km Visible and 4 km Imager: 4 May 2003 Convective Cloud Mask Nowcast Time Multi-spectral Techniques Cloud-top Cooling Estimates Using Satellite-Derived Winds Identify pre-CI signatures in GOES Visible and IR data using: 1) convective cloud masking 2) multi-spectral band differencing techniques 3) cloud-top temperature trend assessments Develop CI nowcasts (0-1 hour) by accumulating pre-CI satellite indicators attributed to the first occurrence of a ≥ 30 dBZ radar echo Incorporate Satellite-Based Convective Cloud Analyses for Nowcasting Convective Initiation (CI) CI Nowcast Algorithm Red: CI Nowcasts Grey: Cirrus Anvil Doppler Radar for Validation 1 Hour Later
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R Focus Case: 05 Dec 2003
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R Convective Cells [16:36 – 17:00]
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R
Courtesy of MAS and CPL Teams
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R VOLCANIC ASH (Future Work) Develop satellite-based information that will aid in the real-time diagnosis of cloud microphysical properties and cloud type, volcanic ash, ash clouds and ash characteristics. Emphasize use of MODIS imagery and other high-spectral resolution data
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R VOLCANIC ASH Aleutian Islands Mt. Cleveland MODIS m Difference
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R TURBULENCE (Future Work) Develop satellite-based techniques to identify and characterize regions of moderate and severe clear-air (e.g., mountain waves), and cloud-induced turbulence (e.g., thunderstorms), as detectible in GOES, and especially MODIS infrared data. Develop value-added products of turbulence from satellite data sets that can be used in conjunction with numerical simulation and existing PDT turbulence prediction systems. Incorporate satellite-derived winds to identify possible turbulent regions associated with upper tropospheric jets.
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R SATELLITE TURBULENCE APPLICATIONS
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R Current CIMSS ASAP Satellite Products
4 th Workshop on Hyperspectral Science of UW-Madison MURI, GIFTS, and GOES-R SUMMARY Several ASAP satellite derived products are available to the FAA PDT’s as interest fields New IR broad and narrow band weather applications are underway Some of these techniques can be applied to hyperspectral but new research is needed ASAP serves as a nice demo of future applications of interest to the Navy