Connecting the Dots…
Should the United States school system adopt a year- round academic school year? Explain your position.
Planning To Write
First Steps ➔ Understand what you are asked to write about ◆ UNDERLINE what you are supposed to answer in the writing prompt ➔ Decide how you will respond ◆ THESIS STATEMENT ●Take a position about a topic ●Tells the reader what to expect from the essay
Choose an Outline to get Started B.O.O.L. Brainstorm Organize Order Label Basic Outline Detailed Outline
Writing the Introduction Paragraph Using a Template
Template to Introduce Both Sides of a Debated Topic When it comes to the topic of __________, most of us will readily agree that ____________. This agreement ends, however, when one considers ______________. Some are convinced that ________________, whereas others maintain that _______________. Ultimately, I assert that __________________ because ____________.
Template to Introduce a Summary of One Perspective Many people assume that___________. This is because ___________. However, I argue that ______________ because ________________.
Introduction Paragraph (Sample) When it comes to the topic of implementing a year-round academic schedule, most of us will readily agree that more time in school will render greater benefits for students. This agreement ends, however, when one considers the price for a longer school year – summer break. Some are convinced that students need the summer break to recharge and that teachers need this time to prepare for the upcoming year. Others maintain that student summer learning loss is too great of a problem to remain unaddressed any longer. Ultimately, I assert that the United States school system should enact a year-round academic schedule because this gives students more opportunities to master the grade-level skills that they need.
Writing the Body Paragraphs Using a Template
Using a Template to Write the Body Paragraphs
Using Transition Words to Connect Sentences and Paragraphs
Using Sentence Starters to Build Body Paragraphs
Body Paragraph (Sample) First, adults have little knowledge of the risks of obesity. Heart problems, knee problems, and breathing problems are just a few of the unhealthy results. Moreover, these problems can worsen and become life-threatening sooner or later. For example, months ago I saw a man on “The Maury Povich Show” that weighed close to 800 lbs and was LITERALLY stuck in his house. Besides having so much trouble breathing, and weighing so much that his own legs could not support his body to walk, he was also so large that he was unable to fit through an exit; the bedroom wall had to be taken out! If people like this man had received education on obesity, perhaps their terrible conditions could have been avoided.
How do I tie it all together?
Conclusions Step 1: Restate your thesis (1-2 sentences) Use different words or synonyms. (use a thesaurus AND a dictionary to help you!) Change the sentence structure so that it’s not the same as your original thesis. (i.e. go from one sentence to two sentences) Compare your thesis and your restated thesis side by side to see if they sound different, but have the same meaning.
For example: Original Thesis I assert that the United States school system should enact a year-round academic schedule because this gives students more opportunities to master the grade-level skills that they need. Restated Thesis It is clear that students need to have more time to learn the necessary skills to succeed in the classroom. As follows, it is essential that the United States school system implements an academic schedule that lasts year-round.
Follow a Template It is clear that students need to have more time to learn the necessary skills to succeed in the classroom. As follows, it is essential that the United States school system implements an academic schedule that lasts year-round. It is clear that ______________________. As follows, ________________.
Or… Original Thesis: I assert that the United States school system should enact a year-round academic schedule because this gives students more opportunities to master the grade-level skills that they need. Restated Thesis (with template) Even though some individuals believe that the academic year should not by year-round, I still maintain that year-round school is more beneficial for students’ success. Even though some individuals believe ____________________, I still maintain that _________________________.
Conclusions Step 2: Summarize your main points. (1-2 sentences) Step 3: Your “so what?” point. Why should anyone care about what you have to say? (2-3 sentences) Example Sentence Starters: Although there are some people that disagree, _________ is in fact addressing the larger matter of ____________. Essentially, what is at stake here is _______________. Therefore, people should consider ______________.
Templates for Writing Conclusions It is clear that __________________. As follows ____________________. After all, _______________. Although there are some people that disagree, ___________ is in fact addressing the larger matter of _____________. In other words, ______________________. So, as a result, _____________________. Red – reworded thesis Blue – summary of examples Green – so what point
Templates for Writing Conclusions Even though some individuals believe _____________________, I still maintain that _____________________. This is because _______________________________. Moreover, _____________________________. Essentially, what is at stake here is _________________. Therefore, people should consider _________________ the next time they ________________. Red – reworded thesis Blue – summary of main points Green – so what point
In Sum… Step 1 – Reword thesis Step 2 – Summarize main points Step 3 – Address your “so what?” point Keep in mind, your conclusion has to link to your introduction. Let’s take a look at an example.
Time to Add Your Conclusion!
Formal Editing Tips
So you’ve finished your first draft… now what?
Congratulations…You completed your final paper!
Grading Rubric
Now Let’s go back to the beginning… Think about what it’s like to be a student at TA. What are its “unwritten rules” = the ones that aren’t written down, but that everyone knows and follows? For example, are there unwritten rules for sporting events? For gym class? For walking in the hallways? For finding a place to sit in the cafeteria? Are these rules important or even necessary to follow? Explain your reasons. What were some of the resources we used to help us?
Just like the SAT… You’ll have 25 minutes right now to answer the prompt. 1.Spend 3 minutes planning. 2.Spend 20 minutes writing. 3.Spend 2 minutes reviewing/editing. Remember to USE YOUR RESOURCES!
Think about what it’s like to be a student at TA. What are its “unwritten rules” = the ones that aren’t written down, but that everyone knows and follows? For example, are there unwritten rules for sporting events? For gym class? For walking in the hallways? For finding a place to sit in the cafeteria? Are these rules important or even necessary to follow? Explain your reasons.
Let’s Compare… Do you notice any differences between your first response and your second one? What are they?
How to Use Your SAT/ACT Book
Main Takeaways: 1.In your conclusion you must: - Reword your thesis - Summarize your main points - Address your “so what?” point 2.Your conclusion should link the reader to your introduction. 1.Use formal editing guidelines to polish your paper once it’s finished.