Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response Consultative Meeting Quezon Province
Objective General Objective: To review the implementation of PIDSR in CALABARZON and to what extent the surveillance goals are achieved
Specific Objective: At the end of the day the participants will be able to: 1. Realize the status of PIDSR implementation. 2. Discuss issues and concerns and give recommendations on how to address identified gaps.
Surveillance Ongoing, systematic Collection, analysis, interpretation, dissemination of data INFORMATION for dissemination In order that ACTION may be taken
Goals Reduce morbidity and mortality Early warning signal for outbreaks Identifies probable cause of morbidity and mortality
Uses of Surveillance Detect epidemics Portray trends Quantify morbidity and mortality Detect changes in epidemiologic pattern Evaluate hypothesis Evaluate control and preventive measures Stimulate research Surveillance has many functions. It detects epidemics, as the slogan of PIDSR says “PIDSR- The first line of defense” It portrays trend so that we may perceive the increasing or decreasing of cases at a certain period in time It quantifies morbidity and mortality since we use a linelist of these cases It detects changes in the description of the diseases It evaluates your hypothesis on the causality of disease It evaluates whether the control measures implemented are working and It stimulates research because you want to test your hypothesis on the causation of the health event
Framework of Public Health Surveillance and Action The six surveillance core activities include the detection, registration, reporting, confirmation, analysis, and feedback. All of which should be present and maintained in any public health surveillance system. However, in order for the system to run effectively, it needs the support of four activities which are training, communication, supervision and resource- provision. The four support activities promote or improve the core activities by enhancing their performance through more efficient and effective functioning.
Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (PIDSR)
PIDSR Conceptual Framework
………. information for ACTION Surveillance ……. ………. information for ACTION