‘Poor people should solve their own problems.’ Do you agree? This question is about “cycles of poverty” (how one cause of poverty, can lead to other problems, that make poverty worse) How people get “trapped” in poverty, and can’t get out, without outside help. What examples could you give of this? What sort of help would they need?
How Christians help the poor overseas What can we do, as Christians? Christians are not spectators in society. They must act to stop injustice and poverty that takes away people’s dignity. The Greatest Commandment is a single commandment– you cannot claim to love God if you do not show love of others.
Prayer Campaign Charity 1.Explain 3 Christian responses to poverty. Use notes on p **Which one do you think makes the biggest difference? 3. “Describe, in detail, the work of either CAFOD” (Total 6 marks) You will receive a factsheet about CAFOD’s work. Make notes or a leaflet to explain 4 main areas of CAFOD’s work. Make sure that you can: 1. explain their aims clearly (emergency, long term, educational/ campaigning) 2. for each aim, give examples of what they do
How do Christians respond to the poor overseas? 3 ways. Prayer Campaign Charity: (and what does CAFOD do?)
Exam Question Charities like CAFOD can do very little to reduce world poverty.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought Remember what the causes of poverty are: -Conflict -Corrupt government/ rulers -Large debts -Unfair trade, can’t sell goods to West at a fair price -Environmental eg droughts, floods -Lack of eduction/ healthcare/ food